Can we make planes cleaner and greener by running their engines on natural gas? Electric Arcs to Quiet Jets by Saswato R Das. IEEE Spectrum. August 1, 2004. How engineers are trying to redesign the airflow through engines to make them quieter. Biggest Jet Engine by Paul Eisenstein. Three...
Electrical engineers work in a wide array of industries and are responsible for a dizzying amount of innovation. Many of the most common, useful devices that make modern life possible – such as automobiles, batteries, computers, light bulbs, mobile phones and satellites – utili...
Jobs in aerospace are expected to grow more slowly, at about 6% over the next decade, but the pay is better, with a median salary of more than $130,000 a year, according to the BLS. Mechanical engineers looking for work in the renewable energy sector, inc...
You might find one in an aerospace-defense testing facility, another in an automotive factory or still another in any number of research labs. An oscilloscope can display the wave pattern of an electrical signal, and this allows someone to analyze whether or not it's the appropriate pattern ...
Boeing still occupies three office buildings across from Long Beach Exchange, and it is a certainty that if you go on a weekday, there will be an aerospace engineer or two in the crowd (they’ll be the ones with business casual attire, dangling ID badges and stressed-out looks on their...
I am working on a audio project that I know it works very well. I am building 12 units in which technical all work well but during the audio tests 50% of...
The thing is, HPC--as well as programs in excess of 50 - 100,000 lines or so of code--is simply not needed by the vast vast majority of practicing engineers in commercial environments; say practicing civil, structural, mechanical, and even aerospace engineering. Virtually all of such ...
Grabowski: How do you make money, and who funded you? Powers:Through SaaS [software as a service]. We sell licenses of the enterprise version based on the number of users and number of models. The Thangs site is free to use. It is our consumer-facing Web site that crawls the Web usi...
A few of the "engineers" I work with have math degrees. If you want to really "do" physics, you must be willing to make many sacrifices in your quest to get a tenured position, and you must realize it is possible to never get such a position. I wasn't willing to do ...
“They” could EASILY “spray” something into the sky and we’d never see it. Why would they make OBVIOUS trails in the sky that OBVIOUSLY come from the jet engines?! Why would they “spray” it in areas that are so cold that it turns whatever they “spray” into a man made cloud...