Mother cats groom their kittens by licking them, and those same kittens may carry such behavior into adulthood, grooming other adult cats. This is known as “social grooming” or allogrooming. Grooming is a social activity cats may participate in to communicate and strengthen social bonds, so i...
And while adult cats are typically very tidy animals, which explains some of the constant grooming, they clean themselves for a variety of other reasons as well. “Many people think that cats groom to keep clean,” Dr. Satchu told The Dodo. “And while that is true, there are also many...
Cats and kittens do not need deworming (the term for ridding an animal of worms is actually "worming") unless they actually are infested with worms. Cats with outdoor access are most likely to get worms, and a pregnant queen can pass worms to her kittens. Worms can be contracted from ...
Learn the quirky reasons why cats like cardboard boxes, such as shelter and stress relief, as well as why they often prefer a box over their carrier.
Adult cats do not communicate with other cats by meowing. Only kittens mew to get their mother’s attention, but they outgrow the behavior as adults. Domestic cats have learned to meow at their humans as a means of communicating, bonding, and showing affection or to let them know that some...
What you feed your tabbies can greatly affect their health. Ask your vet for recommendations for pet food for each stage of your cat's life. Kittens need food that promotes healthy development, creates strong bones, and contains the vitamins and minerals they need for growth. Adult cat food ...
Like adult cats, kittens are adventurous eaters and will enjoy trying new things, so you can feed wet or dry food, or a combination of the two. Whether you’re feeding a cat or a kitten, “Cats need animal-based protein as part of their main diet,” explains Purina Nutritionist Karina...
Adult cats don’t meow much to each other. Kittens meow to their mothers and gradually grow out of meowing as they get older. Instead, catscommunicate through body language, and vocalizations like hissing are used when the situation calls for it. ...
What we do know is it’s used to communicate emotions and needs—just like smiles, tail wags and positions seen in other species. Because kittens are born both deaf and blind, purring may be one of the ways they communicate with their mother. Cats also purr to engage with other cats. ...
Why Do Cats Bite Their Fur? Is your pet overgrooming? Is your cat grooming their fur a little too much? While grooming, licking and nibbling their fur is a perfectly natural and normal cat behavior (and most kitties will spend around 30-50% of their day perfecting their coat!), someti...