The design is ofgreen grass with clovers running along the bottom of the dish and pink hearts interspersed throughout the middle of the dish. The one owned by the Corning Museum of Glass is unique in that there are no pink hearts on the design, only the green grass and clovers. How do...
Jewelry. DALL-E doesn't always follow the instructions of the prompt exactly (it seems to be randomizing whether the big pendant is amber or amethyst) but the details are generally convincing and the results are almost alwaysreally pretty. "silver statement necklace with amethysts and an amber...
俏也不争春, 只把春来报。***《卜算子·咏梅》 1.2SemanticGapinChinese Clover(苜蓿),averyusefulplant,canbeused tofeedlivestockandfertilizethefields.Colvers occasionallyhaveleaveswithfourleaflets,insteadof theusualthree.Thesefour-leafclovers,likeother rarities,areconsideredlucky. eg:tobe/liveinclover (live...