最著名的Do 217 部队是第100 轰炸机联队,下辖两个大队的Do 217 都装备了遥控滑翔炸弹。1943 年8 月27 日,第100 联队的Do 217 在比斯开湾用遥控炸弹击沉了英国海军“白鹭”号护卫舰,创造了历史上空射制导武器的首个战果。两周后的9 月9 日,Do 217 又在地中海再创佳绩,击沉了意大利战列舰“罗马”号。在...
The Do 217 M was a variant of the mass-produced Do 217 K with the DB 603 engine instead of the BMW 801 that was in great demand for fighters. Both bomber variants were used mainly on the Western Front. 概览 机身 引擎 炮塔 炮塔 ...
the Do 217A-0 reconnaissance variant became the first version to enter service with the Luftwaffe.The first operational bomber version was the Do-217E-1, powered by a pair of 1,580hp BMW 801A air-cooled 14-cylinder radial engines, and which featured the variant's deeper fuselage that hous...
全部飞机均以拆解成散件的形式经海路运往西班牙的塞维利亚,待早已等候在那里的德国技术人员重新组装完毕后,这些飞机全部被编入了著名的秃鹰军团(Legion Condor/88)第4试验轰炸机中队(Ⅳ.Versuchs-bomberstaffel)。1937年3月31日,试验轰炸机中队对西班牙毕尔巴鄂地区东南近郊的共和政府军阵地实施了轰炸,首战告捷。在...
Primary Role Light Bomber Maiden Flight 23 November 1934 Contributor: C. Peter Chen The Do 17 light (ie. fast) bombers were developed by Dornier in 1933 under the guise of civilian mail carriers, but they were in actuality bombers capable of outrunning pursuing fighters. To reduce drag, their...
Dornier Do 217: the 'Baedeker' bomber Dornier Do 24, Blohm und Voss BV 138, Heinkel He 115, Ju 88, four-engined Fw 200 Condors and He 177s and the Do 217s used by KG 30/40/100... A Price - 《International Air Power Review》 被引量: 0发表: 2002年 The Evolution of the Dornie...
一个全新的概念,高速轰炸机(Schnellbomber),在三十年代的德国曾流行一时。其核心思想是轰炸机靠着高速度突破敌方战斗机的拦截和防御。为了对这一概念进行测试,汉莎航空公司订购了一系列大航程的“邮政飞机”。德国各个飞机制造企业也趁此机会对一些新技术和新结构进行了实验,导致了一大批优秀飞机(如亨克尔公司的He ...