dnv rp c201 板屈曲校核公式 对于受轴压的四边简支板,其临界屈曲应力σ_cr的计算公式为: σ_cr=frac{π^2E}{12(1-ν^2)}<=ft((t)/(b))^2 其中: E是弹性模量,对于钢材一般取E = 2.06×10^5MPa ν是泊松比,对于钢材通常取ν=0.3 t是板的厚度; b是板的宽度。 对于受剪的四边简支板,其临界剪切...
Recommended Practice DNV–RP-C201, October 2002 Page 4 DET NORSKE VERITAS Introduction This document describes two different, but equally acceptable methods, for buckling and ultimate strength assessment of plated structures. The first method, as given in Part 1, is a conventional buckling code for...
DNV-RP-C201-2010已经是当前最新版本。 《钢板结构失稳强度推荐实践》 DNV-RP-C201 本标准适用于平板结构的失稳强度设计,包括但不限于常规失稳代码。具体适用范围如下: - 平板结构的设计考虑。 - 不加刚度平板的失稳分析。 - 加刚度平板的失稳分析。
recommended practice detnorskeveritas dnv-rp-c201 buckling strength of plated structures october 2002 since issued in print (october 2002), this booklet has been amended, latest in october 2004. see the reference to “amendments and corrections” on the next page. comments may be sent by e-mail...
~^#"~^"@@\\ Unstiffened plate Linear varying transverse compression 6.8 s<l Buckling check not necessary if s ≤ 5.4ε t Amended October 2004 see note on front cover Recommended Practice DNV–RP-C201, October 2002 Page 9 Description Unstiffened plate Load Combined longitudinal and transverse ...
绿色表示标准:DNV-RP-C201-2010 , 绿色、红色表示本平台存在此标准,您可以下载或者购买,灰色表示平台不存在此标准; 箭头终点方向的标准引用了起点方向的标准。 标准号 DNV-RP-C201-2010 发布 1970年 发布单位 / 购买 正式版DNV-RP-C201-2010相似标准DNV...
The new DNV Recommended Practice on Buckling of Plated Structures (RP-C201) was issued in October 2002. It supersedes the plate part of the widely used DNV Classification Notes 30.1 on Buckling Strength Analysis. The RP covers unstiffened plate elements as well as orthogonal stiffened panels. The...
DNV-RP-C201-2010 被谁引用 DNV-RP-C201-2010是非强制性国家标准,您可以免费下载预览页 搜索 高级搜索 哪些标准引用了DNV-RP-C201-2010 找不到引用DNV-RP-C201-2010 的标准 标准号 DNV-RP-C201-2010 1970年 发布单位 / 购买 正式版 DNV-RP-C201-2010相似标准...