CLASS GUIDELINEDNV-CG-0051 Edition January 2022Non-destructive testingThe content of this service document is the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by DNV AS (“DNV”). The useraccepts that it is prohibited by anyone else but DNV and/or its licensees to offer and/or perform cl...
DNV-CG-0051-2022由/ 发布于 2022,并于 0000-00-00 实施。DNV-CG-0051-2022 非破坏性检测的最新版本是哪一版?DNV-CG-0051-2022已经是当前最新版本。标准名称:非破坏性检测适用范围:本文件是基于当前知识、技术和/或信息编制的服务文档,旨在提供有关分类、认证和验证服务的方法、技术要求、原则及接受标准。该...
CLASS GUIDELINEDNV-CG-0051 Edition January 2022Non-destructive testingThe content of this service document is the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by DNV AS (“DNV”). The useraccepts that it is prohibited by anyone else but DNV and/or its licensees to offer and/or perform ...
The electronic pdf version of this document, available free of chargefrom, is the officially binding version.CLASS GUIDELINEDNVGL-CG-0051 Edition December 2015Non-destructive testing
国际标准分类中,dnv-cg0051涉及到。 在中国标准分类中,dnv-cg0051涉及到。 未注明发布机构,关于dnv-cg0051的标准 DNV-CG-0051-2022非破坏性检测 DNV-RP-J101-2011DNV推荐实践 DNV-RP-J101 DNV-CG-0038-2021DNV-CG-0038-2021 DNV-CP-0098-2021DNV-CP-0098-2021 ...
DNV GL-CG-0051:2015 标准号:DNV GL-CG-0051:2015 检测标准/方法:DNVGL入级指导 无损检测 第3章:磁粉检测 DNV GL-CG-0051:2015 检测对象:海上石油钻井装置 检测项目/参数:磁粉检测 相关标准 《HG/T4561-2013(2017)》不饱和聚酯腻子 HG/T4561-2013(2017)...
内容提示: CLASS GUIDELINEDNV-CG-0051 Edition January 2022Non-destructive testingThe content of this service document is the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by DNV AS (“DNV”). The useraccepts that it is prohibited by anyone else but DNV and/or its licensees to offer and/or...
DNV-CG-0051-2022 2022年 总页数 260页 发布单位 / 标准名称:非破坏性检测 适用范围: 本文件是基于当前知识、技术和/或信息编制的服务文档,旨在提供有关分类、认证和验证服务的方法、技术要求、原则及接受标准。该文档适用于船舶外壳钢材焊缝的非破坏性检测(NDT),包括先进非破坏性测试材料和技术的最新实践。此外,...