2016-06-26上传 挪威 船级社 DNV-RP-D101-2008挪威,RP,D,船级社,挪威船级社,DNV,DNVRP,dnv 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 1.73M 文档页数: 42页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 经济/贸易/财会--财政/国家财政 ...
国际标准分类中,dnv-rp-d101涉及到。 在中国标准分类中,dnv-rp-d101涉及到。
DNV-RP-D101_2008 RECOMMENDED PRACTICEDET NORSKE VERITAS DNV-RP-D101 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF PIPING SYSTEMS OCTOBER 2008 FOREWORD DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop- erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV ...
DNVGL-RP-D101-2017已经是当前最新版本。 标准名称:结构分析管道系统 适用范围: 本推荐实践适用于海洋平台、FPSO(浮式生产储卸油装置)、钻井设备和海底安装等典型应用。特别针对海底安装,如模板、集流管、立管基础及海底分离和泵模块等结构的管道系统进行结构分析。
DNV-RP-D101 Structural Analysis of Piping Systems October 2008 DNV-RP-D201 Integrated Software Dependent Systems October 2009 DNV-RP-E101 Recertification of Well Control Equipment October 2008 DNV-RP-E102 Recertification of Blowout Preventers and Well Control Equipment for the US Outer Continental Sh...
DNV-RP-D201 Integrated Software Dependent Systems October 2009 62. DNV-RP-E101 Recertification of Well Control Equipment for the Norwegian Continental Shelf January 2012 63. DNV-RP-E102 Recertification of Blowout Preventers and Well Control Equipment for the US Outer Continental Shelf June 2010 64...
DNV-RP-C207 Statistical Representation of Soil Data October 2010 DNV-RP-D101 Structural Analysis of Piping Systems October 2008 DNV-RP-D201 Integrated Software Dependent Systems October 2009 DNV-RP-E101 Recertification of Well Control Equipment October 2008 ...
•OffshoreStandards:–TechnicalprovisionsandacceptancecriteriaforgeneralusebytheoffshoreindustryaswellasthetechnicalbasisforDNVoffshoreservices.•RecommendedPractices:–ProventechnologyandsoundengineeringpracticeaswellasguidanceforthehigherlevelOffshoreServiceSpecificationsandOffshoreStandards.Slide2 DNVOffshoreCodes:Facts...
DNV Codes DNV Codes and Standards 16 June 2006