#listen-address= #listen-address= # 绑定接口,开启此项将仅监听指定的接口。 #bind-interfaces # 对于新添加的接口也进行绑定。 #bind-dynamic ### # 如果 hosts 中的主机有多个 IP 地址,仅返回对应子网的 IP 地址。 #localise-queries # 如果反向查找的是私有地址例如192.168.X.X,...
[root@localhost~]# vim/etc/dnsmasq.conf # Only listen to routers'LANNIC.Doing so opens up tcp/udp port53to # localhost and udp port67to world:interface=<LAN-NIC># dnsmasq will open tcp/udp port53and udp port67to world to helpwith# dynamicinterfaces(assigning dynamic ips).Dnsmasq will ...
#listen-address= 如果你想在某个端口只提供dns服务,则可以进行配置禁止dhcp服务 #no-dhcp-interface= # On systems which support it, dnsmasq binds the wildcard address, # even when it is listening on only some interfaces. It then discards # requests that it shouldn't reply to. This has the a...
dnsmasq will bind to all interfaces on port 53 even if you specify an interface for it to bind to. This is normal behavior. In order for dnsmasq to bind only to specified interfaces you need to use the bind-interfaces directive in the config. ...
listen-address= # 其它主机的dns设置使用这个ip为dns服务器(/etc/resolv.conf)。 # 服务监听的网络接口地址 listen-address=, # 改变Dnsmasq默认的uid和gid #user= #group= # 如果你想Dnsmasq监听某个端口为dhcp、dns提供服务 ...
(piperead,POLLIN);#ifdef HAVE_SCRIPT# ifdef HAVE_DHCPwhile(helper_buf_empty()&&do_script_run(now));# endif/* Refresh cache */if(option_bool(OPT_SCRIPT_ARP))find_mac(NULL,NULL,0,now);while(helper_buf_empty()&&do_arp_script_run());if(!helper_buf_empty())poll_listen(daemon->...
作为域名解析服务器(DNS),dnsmasq可以通过缓存 DNS 请求来提高对访问过的网址的连接速度。作为DHCP 服务器,dnsmasq可以为局域网电脑提供内网ip地址和路由。 DNS和DHCP两个功能可以同时或分别单独实现。 dnsmasq轻量且易配置,适用于个人用户或少于50台主机的网络。
when the --interface option is used. If no --interface or --listen-address options are given dnsmasq listens on all available inter‐ faces except any given in --except-interface options. IP alias interfaces (eg "eth1:0") cannot be used with --interface or --except- ...
#listen-address= #通常情况下即使设置了interface选项(例如:interface=wlp2s0) #将仍然绑定到通配符地址(例如:*:53)。 #开启此项将仅监听指定的接口。 #适用于在同一主机的不同接口或IP地址上运行多个dns服务器。 bind-interfaces #对于新添加的接口不进行绑定。仅Linux系统支持,其他系统等同于bind-inter...
search# 你还可以控制Dnsmasq和Server之间的查询从哪个网卡出去# server= 指定源地址携带10.1.2.3地址和192.168.1.1的55端口进行通讯# and this sets the source (ie local) address used to talk to# to port 55 (there must be a interface with that# IP on the ...