DNSCrypt Win Client: Official GUI for Windows, by OpenDNS. Also known as "OpenDNSCrypt". dnscrypt-proxy is also available on Cydia, and it can be easily enabled usingGuizmoDNS. Server-side proxy DNSCrypt-Wrapperis a server-side dnscrypt proxy that works with any name resolver. ...
DNSCrypt Win Client: Official GUI for Windows, by OpenDNS. Also known as "OpenDNSCrypt". dnscrypt-proxy is also available on Cydia, and it can be easily enabled usingGuizmoDNS. Having a dedicated system user, with no privileges and with an empty home directory, is highly recommended. For...
guid=4958340126919847688">DNSCrypt Win Client: Official GUI for Windows, by OpenDNS. Also known as "OpenDNSCrypt". dnscrypt-proxy is also available on Cydia, and it can be easily enabled using GuizmoDNS. dnscrypt-proxy 1.1.0 RC1 发布,该版本可支持使用插件来修改和检查查询和响应,默认...
Well, but the guide does not use openWRT packages for dnscrypt-proxy and luci Web interface. Because you may have some information that the people who wrote that people didn't have :) Looking forward to your updates! Thank you@hugepantsfor the great work you did on that documentation!
Jun 2, 2012 .gitignore Initial commit of the Windows client for managing the DNSCrypt proxy (h… Mar 3, 2012 README.md Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Noxwizard/dnscrypt-winclient Jul 27, 2015 dnscrypt-winclient.sln Initial commit of the Windows client for managing the DNSCrypt pro...