普通DNS没有加密能力,所有查询默认都是UDP明文传输,当然有些返回字节结果过大也会截断采用TCP传输(retrying in TCP mode),但这些都是明文;对于一些安全要求较高的业务场景,为避免出现劫持、污染等引起的安全威胁,DNS over HTTPS(DoH)以及DNS over TLS(DoT)就派上了用场。同时HTTPDNS也可以规避运营商劫持的问题,主...
server_names = ['tuna-doh-ipv6', 'alidns-doh', 'dnscry.pt-hongkong-ipv4'] listen_addresses = ['', '[::1]:5533'] 国内服务文件:/usr/lib/systemd/system/dnscrypt-proxy.service 注意此处 ExecStart=/usr/bin/dnscrypt-proxy --config /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml...
vi dnscrypt-proxy.toml # 修改监听地址、服务器名称'dnspod-doh','alidns-doh'分别是腾讯和阿里的doh listen_addresses = [] server_names = ['dnspod-doh','alidns-doh'] # 安装、启动dnscrypt-proxy服务 ./dnscrypt-proxy -service install ./dnscrypt-proxy -service start # 查看状态及开...
A check for lying resolvers was added for DNSCrypt, similar to the one that was already present for DoH and ODoH. Binary packages for Windows/ARM are now available, albeit not in MSI format yet. Assets62 dnscrypt-proxy-android_arm-2.1.7.zip ...
dnscrypt-proxyis a DNS proxy that implements theDNSCryptandDNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)protocols Installation NOTE: This package is incompatible with the DNS server package from Synology! For the NAS devices please follow the instructions here:https://synocommunity.com/. You will need to enable Beta pac...
服务器 安装 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 代码运行 #macOS安装 brew install dnscrypt-proxy 其他平台的[安装指南](https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/wiki)[其他平台的安装包](https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/releases) ...
DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy最新发布版本:2.1.5(2023-08-12 01:11:12) Version 2.1.0 dnscrypt-proxynow includes support for Oblivious DoH. If the proxy is overloaded, cached and synthetic queries now keep being served, while non-cached queries are delayed. ...
DNSCrypt-Proxy Features: DNS traffic encryption and authentication. Supports DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) and DNSCrypt. DNS query monitoring, with separate log files for regular and suspicious queries Filtering: block ads, malware, and other unwanted content. Compatible with all DNS services ...
dnscrypt-proxy -list now includes ODoH (Oblivious DoH) servers. Local DoH: queries made using the GET method are now handled. The service can now be installed on OpenRC-based systems. PTR queries are now supported for cloaked domains. Contributed by Ian Bashford, thanks!相关...
Overview A flexible DNS proxy, with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols such asDNSCrypt v2,DNS-over-HTTPS,Anonymized DNSCryptandODoH (Oblivious DoH). dnscrypt-proxy documentation← Start here DNSCrypt project home page Discussions DNS-over-HTTPS and DNSCrypt resolvers ...