取得指定 DNS 主機名稱的 DNS 資訊。 C# [System.Obsolete("GetHostByName has been deprecated. Use GetHostEntry instead.")]publicstaticSystem.Net.IPHostEntryGetHostByName(stringhostName); 參數 hostName String 主機的 DNS 名稱。 傳回 IPHostEntry IPHostEntry物件,含有在hostName中所指定之位址的主機資訊。
GetHostByName has been deprecated. Use GetHostEntry instead. 获取指定 DNS 主机名的 DNS 信息。 C#复制 [System.Obsolete("GetHostByName has been deprecated. Use GetHostEntry instead.")]publicstaticSystem.Net.IPHostEntryGetHostByName(stringhostName);
try{ IPHostEntry hostInfo = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName);// Get the IP address list that resolves to the host names contained in the// Alias property.IPAddress[] address = hostInfo.AddressList;// Get the alias names of the addresses in the IP address list.String[]alias= hostInfo.Aliases; ...
;lwip_init(); dns_gethostbyname(hostname,addr,my_found,NULL);while(1){还有其他无关函数;}} 简单的调用dns_gethostbyname得不到 瓦德瓦155 2020-03-09 03:53:17 如何利用lwip在局域网内通过hostname获取IP? dns_gethostbyname以及lwip_gethostbyname。lwip_gethostbyname貌似需要操作系统才能支持,而dns_...
I am trying to implement dns_gethostbyname() to check if my ESP32 is really connected with the internet or not. If connected, we then only try to connect to our AWS server. Every time there is internet, I get success statement from the below code ...
忽然从某一时刻起,这两块板子的通信中断了。经检查,调用sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByName返回ffffff5f,即#define SL_NET_APP_DNS_NO_SERVER (-161) /* No DNS server was specified */。在此情况下,反复复位或者断电重启这两块板子,都不能恢复通信。 我们又拿了一块新的板子,每块板子中都已经预置了连接该AP...
要想查看某个程序是否调用 gethostbyname ,只需用 ltrace 命令跟踪一下查看其库函数调用即可:注:在 man gethostbyname 中有一句:笔者所在公司的服务器上并没有配置 nscd ,但笔者的阿里云个人服务器上却默认配置了 nscd 。从 man nscd 摘录如下:Linux服务器上一般都会配置 dnsmasq 服务,用于缓存DNS...
程序中执行打到Dns.GetHostByName(IP)时报错“由于系统缓冲区空间不足或队列已满,不能执行套接字上的操作”,只在个别电脑上才在执行到这句时报错,大部分都是正常的。求指点解决。c# .net技术 Dns.GetHostByName socket 末流 | 初学一级 | 园豆:24 提问于:2013-07-02 10:46 ...
It seems use DHCP server as DNS server. I run lwip on bare metal - not sure there is any alternative function. Any suggestion? Thanks! Ping Labels: i.MXRT 106x Tags: dns_gethostbyname() with Static IP 0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic ...
local dns_data = dns_file:read("*a") dns_file:close() local socket = require("socket") local sock = assert(socket.udp()) --[[设置超时时间,只对receive有效,其实改gethostbyname就是为了改超时时间]] sock:settimeout(2) ret, err = sock:setpeername(dns_host, dns_port) ...