dns-list ip-address &<1-8> undo dns-list { ip-address | all } 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 ip-address 指定DNS Server地址。 点分十进制形式。最多可以配置8个DNS Server的IP地址,用空格分隔。 unnumbered interface interface-type interface-number 借用接口获取的DNS Server地址作为DNS Server的IP...
dns-list命令用来为DHCP Client配置DNS Server地址。 undo dns-list命令用来删除已配置的DNS Server地址。 缺省情况下,未配置DNS Server地址。 命令格式 IP地址池视图 dns-list{ip-address&<1-8>|unnumberedinterfaceinterface-typeinterface-number} undo dns-list{ip-address|unnumberedinterface|all} ...
(可手动设置测试验证) 【命令】dns-list ip-address1 [ ip-address2 ... ip-address8 ] undo dns-list { ip-address | all } 【视图】DHCP 地址池视图 【参数】ip-addressX:表示DNS 的IP 地址,X=1,2,...8。 【描述】dns-list 命令用来配置分配给DHCP 客户端的DNS 的IP 地址,undo dns-list命令...
!ip name-server !--- Configures the IP address of the name server. !--- Domain lookup is enabled by default. !! interface GigabitEthernet1 ip address negotiation auto no mop enabled no mop sysid !
如果使用非Microsoft DNS 服务器来支持 Active Directory,可以通过查看 Netlogon.dns 来验证 SRV 定位器资源记录。 Netlogon.dns 位于%systemroot%\System32\Config文件夹中。 可以使用文本编辑器(如记事本)来查看此文件。 文件中的第一条记录是域控制器的轻型目录访问协议 (LDAP) SRV 记录。 此记录应如下所示:...
If the server's own IP address is listed, select it and click Remove. After you make this change, make sure to stop and restart the DNS service. Master List of Secondary Zones A secondary zone is configured with a list of the master or primary server(s). Be sure that the server's ...
class MicrosoftDNS_Server : CIM_Service { string Name; uint32 Version; uint32 LogLevel; string LogFilePath; uint32 LogFileMaxSize; string LogIPFilterList[]; uint32 EventLogLevel; sint32 RpcProtocol; uint32 NameCheckFlag; uint32 AddressAnswerLimit; uint32 RecursionRetry; uint32 RecursionTimeout...
ip = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList; listBox1.Items.AddRange(ip); 在C#中,IPEndPoint类包含了应用程序连接到主机上的服务所需的IP地址和端口信息。 IPEndPoint类常用的构造函数为:public IPEndPoint(IPAddress, int); 其中第一个参数指定IP地址,第二个参数指定端口号。
Server: ns1-04.azure-dns.com Address: contoso.net primary name server = ns1-04.azure-dns.com responsible mail addr = msnhst.microsoft.com serial = 1 refresh = 900 (15 mins) retry = 300 (5 mins) expire = 604800 (7 days) ...
Sets DNS server addresses associated with the TCP/IP properties on an interface.SyntaxPowerShell Copy Set-DnsClientServerAddress [-InterfaceAlias] <String[]> [-ServerAddresses <String[]>] [-Validate] [-ResetServerAddresses] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [...