the performance problems that often occur when internet traffic attempts to connect with a server outside of China. Our unique Nameserver Acceleration®capabilities help ensure that DNS queries crossing in and out of the region are steered through the optimal endpoint for an excellent user ...
智能域名解析服务。 低至¥188/年 DNS加速 实时监测并拦截DNS污染劫持; 快速恢复全国地区90%用户正常访问! 低至¥288/月 SSL证书 国际领先互联网加密技术,加强网站数据 安全,防止网站数据被窃取、篡改、劫持 低至¥180/年 等保合规 全国等级保护二级、三级测评、等保整改 ...
In practice, smart DNS lets you virtually switch country allowing you to unblock Chinese sites and content. For example, if you are visiting United States, but you realize that your favorite sites are unavailable then by connecting to a SmartDNS China server, you will be able to access any s...
dns-serverchinadnsdns-over-httpsdns-proxy UpdatedSep 3, 2024 Go domosekai/shdns Star19 Code Issues Pull requests A port of ChinaDNS (DNS filter) in golang with IPv6 support golangipv6gfwchinadnsdns-filter UpdatedDec 1, 2024 Go
DNS Client-Server ExchangeDNS over the Internet Host names constitute a non-hierarchical namespace. Each name contains a character sequence. The network information center (NIC) manages the namespace and processes new names. The non-hierarchical namespace cannot manage a large number of names for ...
使用此拓撲時,必須有另一個虛擬網路,以裝載可將要求傳送至 Azure DNS Virtual Server IP 位址的 DNS 伺服器。 下列步驟說明此拓撲的運作方式: 建立私人 DNS 區域和 DNS 伺服器虛擬網路的連結: 確保自訂 DNS 解決方案可搭配您的 Azure Machine Learning 工作區使用的第一個步驟,就是建立根目錄位於下列網域的兩...
Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: canonical name = Name: Address: 启动服务 勾选配置页面中的Enable(启用)来启动SmartDNS 注意: 如已经安装chinaDNS,建议将chinaDNS的上游配置为SmartDNS。
为了打造一个行业顶尖、全球化的智慧楼宇平台,进一步实现跨地区建筑内多系统的无缝协作,美的楼宇科技与贝锐蒲公英的合作,引入了基于SD-WAN技术的异地组网解决方案。 这一创新举措不仅实现了暖通设备边缘网关的智慧互联,确保设备实现高效远程维护、调试,同时也为美的在全球范围内的数字化智慧楼宇方案的实施提供了坚实基础,...
When adding the DNS record, enter a domain name prefix as the hostname, and enter your server IP address as the record value. For more information, see Configure a subdomain. Does intelligent DNS resolution support nearby access if I have two servers hosted by China Mobile and China ...
8. If the DNS server address is changed to UNICOM NEW ZEALAND LIMITED - Auckland DNS, how long does it take for the resolution record to take effect? If you change your devices' DNS address to UNICOM NEW ZEALAND LIMITED - Auckland DNS, your device will start to use the DNS of UNICOM ...