/bin/bash #author : falconhero #qq :40594324 #version :1.1 #date :2012-05-29 #This script for initial eth1,dns,password ,upload infor dns 修改内网 初始化密码 原创 falconhero 2012-06-29 22:06:30 1076阅读 DNS脚本 dns脚本 dns脚本
1//只拉取下载不执行2varpreloadLink = document.createElement("link");3preloadLink.href = "foo.js";4preloadLink.rel = "preload";5preloadLink.as = "script";6document.head.appendChild(preloadLink);78//如果需要执行9varpreloadedScript = document.createElement("script");10preloadedScript.src = "...
Dynamic DNS Shell Script #!/bin/bashTOKEN="your-oauth-token"# The API v2 OAuth tokenACCOUNT_ID="12345"# Replace with your account IDZONE_ID="yourdomain.com"# The zone ID is the name of the zone (or domain)RECORD_ID="1234567"# Replace with the Record IDIP=`curl--ipv4-shttp://ica...
The whole thing can be made much leaner and tidier. @feckertI agree it was done in really old times where openwrt had little utility tech to handle these kind of thing. The shell script are done with correct logic and concepts but in the time with many contributors putting hands and fixe...
preload和prefetch是现代浏览器对<link>标签新增的rel值,用来加快页面资源(通常是css和js)的加载速度,改善用户体验。比如<link href="./2.js" rel="preload" as="script" />。 网络上对于preload和prefetch的讲解其实很多,看起来也很专业,但是看完了还是一头雾水。这次我来讲解一下。
"WScript.Exe can be used to run this script." ) intStatus = CONST_ERROR End Select End If End If If intStatus <> CONST_CSCRIPT Then Call WScript.Echo( "Please run this script using CScript." _ & vbCRLF & "This can be achieved by"...
如果prefetch还没下载完之前,浏览器发现script标签也引用了同样的资源,浏览器会再次发起请求,这样会严重影响性能的,加载了两次,,所以不要在当前页面马上就要用的资源上用prefetch,要用preload。 <linkhref="main.js"rel="prefetch"> JS在什么时候执行的(defer和async) ...
如果prefetch还没下载完之前,浏览器发现script标签也引用了同样的资源,浏览器会再次发起请求,这样会严重影响性能的,加载了两次,,所以不要在当前页面马上就要用的资源上用prefetch,要用preload。 <linkhref="main.js"rel="prefetch"> JS在什么时候执行的(defer和async) ...
Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".vbs". Install IIS 7 on another drive (not C:) Install Windows Server 2012 mouse and keyboard not working but working in BIOS Settings Installation ID Number, where is it? Installer package just won't run, what else can I try...
不要在当前页面马上要用的资源上用prefetch,要用preload(因为prefetch还没加载完成时,遇到script会再次发起请求,加载两次严重影响性能) <linkrel="prefetch"href="./main.js"> 二、控制JS的执行时机(defer, async) defer 所有元素解析完成后,DOMContentLoaded事件触发之前。