DNS/4/DNS_QUERY_TIMEOUT: DNS query timed out. (QueryType=[QueryType],ServerAddress=[IPAddress],Host=[HostName],VPNName=[VPNName],TimeOut=[Time]s) 日志含义 DNS向服务器查询超时。 日志参数 参数名称参数含义 QueryType 查询类型,正向查询或反向查询。 IPAddress DNS服务器地址。 HostName 主...
DNS/4/DNS_QUERY_TIMEOUT: DNS query timed out. (QueryType=[QueryType],ServerAddress=[IPAddress],Host=[HostName],VPNName=[VPNName],TimeOut=[Time]s) Description DNS query timed out. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning QueryType Query type, query or reverse query IPAddress DNS ser...
certbot报错:DNS problem: query timed out looking up CAA for 域名 返回WIKI 申请Let's Encrypt 网站SSL/HTTPs证书出现以下Error DNS problem: query timed out looking up CAA for 你的域名 错误标识:urn:acme:error:connection 该错误发生在生成证书验证域名的过程中(new-authz)。一旦出现这个错误,该域名将...
During secondary validation: DNS problem: query timed out looking up CAA for *** 意思为,获取CAA记录超时,导致无法验证。主要原因可能是 1、使用了不太稳定的DNS服务商,导致解析不稳定。 2、letsencrypt服务器本身多时间内不稳定。 一般建议: 1、多次重试或换个时间段再试。 2、更换主流的DNS解析服务商。
header flags: query, want recursion questions = 1, answers = 0, authority records = 0, additional = 0 QUESTIONS: www.netadmin.com.cn.dgic.cn, type = A, class = IN --- DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. timeout (2 secs...
Query Name: abcd.apn.epc.mncXXX.mccYYY.3gppnetwork.org Query Type: NAPTR TTL: 0 seconds Answer: -Negative Reply- Failure Reason: DNS query timed out 2.在PCAP跟蹤中,發現DNS伺服器收到查詢,並在響應中針對每個APN傳送30到35個替換,因為資料包大小變為4186位元組並且MME會發起TCP連線。
DNS Request Timed Out While trying nslookup for External domain name like "www.cisco.com" DNS resolution between child and parent domain DNS resolution using root hints does not work DNS reverse Zone is not replication to all domain controller DNS Root Hints failing DNS Scavenging (lots of reco...
DNS Request Timed Out While trying nslookup for External domain name like "www.cisco.com" DNS resolution between child and parent domain DNS resolution using root hints does not work DNS reverse Zone is not replication to all domain controller DNS Root Hints failing DNS Scavenging (lots of reco...
配置dns出现connection timed out; no servers could be reached的解决方法,etc目录修改named.conf这个配置文件的,修改下面两个句子options{listen-onport53{;};(我就是在这里出问题的默认此处是127.0.0.1,就是因为没把此次IP改为本机IP所以一直解析不到)a
Query Name: APN1.apn.epc.mnc420.mcc300.3gppnetwork.org Query Type: NAPTR TTL: 0 seconds Answer: -Negative Reply- Failure Reason: DNS query timed out ... [Ingress]HSGW> dns-client query client-name HSGW-DNS query-type NAPTR query-name APN2.apn.epc.mnc420.mcc300.3gppnetwork.org ...