3、资源记录RR(Resource Record) 区域解析库 有众多资源记录RR(Resource Record)组成 记录类型:SOA、A、AAAA、NS、CNAME、MX、TXT、PTR SOA:Start Of Authority,起始授权记录;一个区域解析库有且仅能有一个SOA记录,且必须位于解析库的第一条 A:IPv4 正向解析资源记录 AAAA:IPv6正向解析资源记录 NS:用于标注当前...
PTR record query for the Failed on the DNS server DNS-server: (i.root-servers.net.) 1 - check for this DNS server failed PTR record query for the Failed on the DNS server ...
vector<DNSRecord> d_records; // d_data is tied to this LuaContext so we need to keep it alive and use it, not a newer one, as long as d_data exists shared_ptr<RecursorLua4> d_luaContext; LuaContext::LuaObject d_data; EDNSSubnetOpts d_ednssubnet; shared_ptr<TCPConnec...
DNS Lookup TheDNS Lookuptool does not perform any scan of the Zone file or perform any searching for subdomains. This tool simply performs a DNS lookup using these record typesA, AAAA, MX, NS, CNAME, TXT, PTR & SOAagainst the target domain. The results will only show successful responses...
If someone is closely monitoring the DNS server of the target domain they will be able to detect that someone is performing a brute force subdomain scan against the domain. There are a number of tools that can perform this enumeration, if you have Nmap installed there is an NSE script that...
Asynchronously, the client sends a DNS update request to the DNS server for its own forward lookup record, a host A resource record. The DHCP server registers the PTR record of the client. An example of a DHCP/DNS update interaction for DHCP clients that do not support DNS dynamic updates...
ARCOUNT:占16位(无符号)。指明Additional部分的包含的RR(Resource Record)数量。 3.2.3 Question部分 Question部分的每一个实体的格式如下图所示: QNAME:字节数不定,以0x00作为结束符。表示查询的主机名。注意:众所周知,主机名被"."号分割成了多段标签。在QNAME中,每段标签前面加一个数字,表示接下来标签的长度...
record-cname query CNAME record-ns query NS record-txt query TXT record-srv query SRV record-ptr query PTR record-mx query MX record-soa query SOA record-any query ANY record-axfr query AXFR-caa query CAA record-recon query all the dns records (a,aaaa,cname,ns,txt,srv,ptr,mx,soa,...
dnschuan=Scanner(detection).scan() forlistindnschuan: printlist exceptException , p: print'[-]Wrong reason:',p if__name__=='__main__': main() 运行结果: 脚本得出的: ---DNS transmission vulnerability detection--- www.baidu.com. 1200...
View the reverse DNS (PTR) entry for an IP address. ASN Lookup Lookup details on an Autonomous System Number. Global Ping Test Ping a server from multiple locations worldwide. DNSSEC Test Test if any domain name is configured for DNSSEC. ...