https-dns-proxy https_dns_proxyis a light-weight DNS<-->HTTPS, non-caching translation proxy for theRFC 8484DNS-over-HTTPS standard. It receives regular (UDP) DNS requests and issues them via DoH. Google's DNS-over-HTTPSservice is default, butCloudflare's servicealso works with trivial com...
然后,我们要修改一下配置文件,新建一个文件/usr/local/etc/cloudflared/config.yaml,输入如下内容: proxy-dns:true proxy-dns-upstream: - - (顺便提一下,如果1.1.1.1和1.0.0.1两个都连不上,可以把网址删除换成
普通DNS没有加密能力,所有查询默认都是UDP明文传输,当然有些返回字节结果过大也会截断采用TCP传输(retrying in TCP mode),但这些都是明文;对于一些安全要求较高的业务场景,为避免出现劫持、污染等引起的安全威胁,DNS over HTTPS(DoH)以及DNS over TLS(DoT)就派上了用场。同时HTTPDNS也可以规避运营商劫持的问题,主...
dns over https 是很不错的东西,从安全以及灵活性,都是比较方便的,更多的使用还有待仔细研究 参考资料
Oblivious DNS over HTTPS All of these terms describe the same thing. How does DNS over HTTPS work? Think of DNS over HTTP as a tool you will use to protect the very first part of your web browsing process. Imagine the moment at which you want to visit a website. You know its human...
Oblivious DNS over HTTPS All of these terms describe the same thing. How does DNS over HTTPS work? Think of DNS over HTTP as a tool you will use to protect the very first part of your web browsing process. Imagine the moment at which you want to visit a website. You know its human...
DoH 全称是 DNS over HTTPS,它使用 HTTPS 来传输 DNS 协议。DoH 的安全原理与 DoT 一样,他们之间的区别只在于:DoH 有了 HTTPS 格式封装,更加通用。 DoT 在专用端口上通过 TLS 连接 DNS服务器,而 DoH 是基于使用 HTTPS 应用层协议,将查询发送到 HTTPS 端口上的特定 HTTP 端点,这里造成的外界感知就是端口号...
Dohnut is a DNS to DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) proxy server. Dohnut improves the performance, security, and privacy of your DNS traffic. Dohnut works with any open standard (RFC8484) compliant DoH provider, including the Commons Host DoH service and many others...
假设只有服务商A收了贿赂,而服务商B没有。当你向DNS服务商B打电话时,你的电话服务商将其转接到服务商A,那你就前功尽弃了。唯一的方法是使用DNS-over-HTTPS,后面会讲解。 HTTP劫持:当ISP不那么老实 假设你向DNS服务器打了个电话,“我要去小明杂货店。”结果你的电话服务商窃听了这句话,得知了你的行程;甚至...
dnsproxy安装和使用: 以dnsproxy root身份安装(端口:5353 cpu型号amd64) 项目地址 wget dnsproxy-linux-amd64-v0.39.2.tar.gzcdlinux-amd64 ...