再次重启,这次重启会花很长时间,保守估计5分钟吧,重启之后就没再出现DNS Client内存占用过大的情况了。 FYI 数值设置成2是指DNS Client会在电脑打开后自动启动 数值设置成3是指DNS Client被设置成手动模式,但也会在电脑打开后自动启动 数值设置成4是指DNS Client会在电脑打开后不会启动...
In Windows, the DNS Client service sends DNS requests to the DNS server that's configured in the IP properties. After receiving a response to a DNS request, Windows caches the response for future use. This is the DNS resolver cache.
Webwindows-client 和 WebDAV 具有高级安全性的 Windows 防火墙(WFAS) Windows NIC 组合(负载均衡故障转移) WINS 无线网络和 802.1X 身份验证 识别并修正影响用户身份验证的 MaxConcurrentApi 问题 性能 打印 远程桌面服务 资源 安全和恶意软件 设置、升级和驱动程序 ...
安装某些修补程序、Service Pack 和应用程序可能需要重新启动。 某些客户会按计划重启域控制器(每 7 天,每 30 天)。 以智能方式计划重新启动和安装需要重新启动的软件。 这样做是为了防止目标域控制器指向的唯一 DNS 服务器或潜在的源复制伙伴同时重新启动名称解析。 如果Windows 更新或管理软件正在安装需要重新启动的...
The DNS server was unable to open the Active Directory. This DNS server is configured to use directory service information and can not operate without access to the directory. The DNS server will wait for the directory to start. If the DNS server is started but the appropriate event has no...
Hello I am currently testing the compatibility of our organization with Windows 11 and I am facing a strange behavior. The DNS service is not working well with Windows 11. On Windows 10 there is no issue and all the IP addresses are resolved…
DnsServerWindowsService DnsServerWindowsSetup .gitattributes .gitignore APIDOCS.md CHANGELOG.md DnsServer.sln DockerEnvironmentVariables.md Dockerfile LICENSE README.md SECURITY.md build.md docker-compose.yml README GPL-3.0 license Security Technitium DNS Server ...
DNS服务可能因为程序自身的线程超过限制而无法启动。同时,您可能在 系统事件日志 中找到下面的错误信息, DNS Server 服务因下列错误而停止: 无法创建此服务的线程。 故障原因: 在当前Windows 2003 R2 x64以及Windows Server 2008 或 Windows Server 2008 R2 DNS服务的代码中 硬性的规定了 DNS 线程的最大数量为120...
You have a client that's running Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, or a later version of Windows Server. On the client, you can use the NetBIOS name or FQDN to access the SMB share with an application or a user account. ...
在Windows系统中,你可以使用PowerShell的Set-DnsClientServerAddress命令修改DNS服务器设置。以下是一个例子: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Set-DnsClientServerAddress-InterfaceAlias"Ethernet"-ServerAddresses("","") 这个命令将名为 "Ethernet" 的网络接口的DNS服务器设置为和