To stay safe, the DNR advises Minnesotans to speak with local experts before going out onto lakes. If driving at night, it's advised to be extremely cautious and use headlights. The DNR says to never cross a pressure ridge, and to wear buoyant gear and carry ice picks. Good Question: W...
It's the first time the DNR is attempting to reclaim a lake from the aggressive mollusks. A pesticide commonly used to treat lakes for swimmers' itch, copper sulfate, is being applied to a portion of Rose Lake near Detroit Lakes. The pesticide will be applied at least three times this fa...
MADISON, Wis.– TheWisconsin Department of Natural Resources(DNR) is seeking data on the water quality of lakes, streams and rivers in our state. Every two years, the DNR requests Wisconsinites and interested groups submit their biological, chemical and physical surface water data. ...
A short drive north of Duluth brings you to the most popular and large lakes near Duluth, Fish Lake and Island Lake. Fish Lake, fortunately, has a resort with boat rentals.Hi-Banks Resortrents pontoons at a rate of $125 for a half-day, and $225 for a full day. ...
Vampires of the Great Lakes, lobster mobsters and more; who knew invasive species were so interesting? Check out our NotMiSpecies webinar series for upcoming program dates, plus recordings of past favorites. BUY & APPLY Did you know that all watercraft, unless exempt, must be registered? All...
The new boat, named the R/V Tanner, will replace the R/V Chinook, which has been operating on the Great Lakes since 1947.
Considering the lack of precipitation The Mitten saw this winter we're not surprised. In fact, conditions are so bad experts are dubbing this the "Lost Winter" forMichiganand much of the Midwest. This season the Great Lakes sawrecord-lowice levels as the rest of the state reachedrecord-high...
Here's a look at some of this week's stories from the Department of Natural Resources: More prescribed burns on the way this spring 2019 fishing license season starts today Hundreds of photos tell story (map) of state parks Learn about Great Lakes fisheries at free workshops ...
on systems.(SPORTS) DNR urges caution on lakes with aeration systems.(SPORTS)DNR urges caution on lakes with aeration systems.(SPORTS)Anderson, Dennis
Twin Cities TV stationFOX 9 reportsthat theDNRis considering a proposal that would reduce the statewide daily limit for walleyes from 6 to 4. They are considering making this rule change as soon as for the 2026 season. While there are some lakes in Minnesota with lake-specific rules, the ...