Move containers from fire area if you can do it without risk. - 从最大距离开始灭火或使用自动软管浇淋或监控喷管。 Fight fire from maximum distance or use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. - 灭火之后,以大量水冲洗让容器冷却降温。 Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until ...
Protective clothing and fire fighting: - 在进入通风闭合的空间之前,注意消防和风的方向。 Notice direction of the wind for fire fighting and ventilate closed spaces before entering. - 如果您能从火灾范围移动容器,并且没有风险。 Move containers from fire area if you can do it without risk. ...
D3Dwas a really, really innovative game. It introduced play mechanics so foundational to today’s shooters that younger players would be hard pressed to imagine an FPS without them: jumping, vertical freelook, secondary fire, destructible terrain, interactive objects. There was a time when shooters...