JPG is a ‘lossy’ format, meaning that it is compressed to save storage space and make it easier to share. This compression can affect quality, but this loss of quality isn’t noticeable to most users. Related Tools Image Converters JPG Converter Compress JPG files JPG to Text ...
"I do believe the DNG...enhancements will encourage more DNG adoption," Hogarty told CNET News. Adobe has added new raw-photo features to its software before, but this time the features apply only to DNG, meaning that those who don't convert their raw photos won't benefit. Helping Adobe...
By considering these tips, you can make a more informed decision on whether DNG or RAW is the right choice for your photography needs, balancing image quality, workflow efficiency, and long-term accessibility.
Lightroom Classic always uses the option Embed XMP in DNG, meaning it will read metadata from an existing sidecar, but unlike Camera Raw, it doesn't delete an existing sidecar when the user does Metadata > Save Metadata To File. To the chagrin of some users, LR doesn...
I used to teach a class for all of the techie shooters out there called “Shut up and Shoot!”. Well, if I taught a similar class on editing it would be called “Shut up and Edit!” and this would be one of the top things in it 😉 ...
DNG is the short name for a Digital Negative, an image format that Adobe created in 2004. It’s what is known as a RAW image, although in many cases, it isn’t captured directly by the camera, meaning it isn’t the native RAW format for most cameras. Canon uses CR3 and Nikon has...
But it was really dark, so I shot at 1600 (meaning I pretended,) and pushed the development--essentially leaving it in the developer longer. This lightened up what would have been a really dark image, but it was at the expense of grain size-- resolution. So the film was rated at ...
Your original raw files are Bayer Mosaiced, meaning that every pixel only has a red, green, or blue filtered value. In the resulting dng file because the projection is completely remapped and you would lose information by artificially remosaicing the pixels into the new file, every ...
One additional benefit of DNG has to do with editing metadata and how it is stored. Lightroom isnon-destructive, meaning that any changes you make to an image, you can alter at any point in the future. The original file remains untouched, and a record of your edits is stored separately...
Your original raw files are Bayer Mosaiced, meaning that every pixel only has a red, green, or blue filtered value. In the resulting dng file because the projection is completely remapped and you would lose information by artificially remosaicing the pixels into the n...