Zelva, Ruins. <Unique Combat Mechanisms for Strategic Fighting> DNF Duel takes the fighting game genre to a whole new level with its unique combat system and tactics. Each character has their signature moves and strengths, which are further accentuated by their Awakening effects. Don’t forget ...
switch《地下城与勇士决斗 DNF Duel》中文版更新了1.8.1补丁+5DLC,16种魅力角色供您选择。用战略、技术或单纯力量压制对手,成为格斗奥义的达人!喜欢这款游戏的话可以持续关注游戏星辰官网switch游戏下载频道 • 快来与您喜欢的角色近距离接触! DNF Duel100%还原了DNF核心角色。从如雷电般的华丽射击师漫游枪手到被...
游戏名称:地下城与勇士:决斗 英文名称:DNF Duel 游戏类型:格斗类(FTG)游戏 游戏制作:Arc System ...
Brawler can be used in DNF Duel. This character is also bundled together in the DNF Duel - Season Pass. Please be careful not to make duplicate purchases. ※ The full version of the game sold separately is required to use this content. ※ You may need
'Battle Mage' can be used in DNF Duel. *This character is also bundled together in the DNF Duel - Season Pass. Please be careful not to make duplicate purchases. ※ The full version of the game (sold separately) is required to use this content. ※ You
DNF DUEL 地下城与勇士 决斗 [DLC 解锁] [Steam & Epic] [Windows & SteamOS] 注意 DLC 版本 DLC 解锁列表(仅供参考) 具体最新版本及使用方式见下载文件或备用网站说明。 下载 快捷下载二维码 欢迎关注公众号“非线性列车”访问个人站“https://juij.fun” ...
【DNF DUEL】..6月13号上线
'Spectre' kan bruges i DNF Duel.*Denne karakter er også bundtet sammen i DNF Duel - Season Pass. Vær forsigtig med ikke at foretage duplikerede køb.※ Den fulde version af spillet (sælges separat) er påkrævet for at bruge dette indhold.※ Du skal muligvis an...