82 on high CR monsters (compared to PCs). Your total CR seems fine, but too high an offensive rating has the same effect, in the end. Moreover, you have the same problem the other way around: Your party’s offensive CR is also way too high for poor Lorelei. One might b...
It's possible some of the monsters get tested indirectly when they're playtesting specific adventures, but I doubt they'd be able to test every monster that way. I imagine at least some of the time they simply put together multiple encounters for the same monster (taking into account which...
Why retired: Implemented by Monks Little Details.CritterDB Import v1.0.5 Allows for importing homebrew monsters from CritterDB. A button will appear at the bottom of the Compendiums tab and import them to the compendium CritterDB - MyCritters. NOTE: I usually keep this disabled until I need...
Another point to remember when playing the class is that in 5e, DnD monsters deal damage faster than Clerics can heal. To keep themselves – and thus the party – alive, Clerics will want to raise their Constitution (Con) scores next, making sure they are sufficiently hard to take down,...
In WotC RPG Dungeons and Dragons, counterspell 5e is the ultimate ‘how about no’ spell – it’s also surprisingly complex, so here’s a helpful counterspell guide
Were you lured to settled lands by the promise of riches? Did you join forces with soldiers of those lands to face a shared threat? Did monsters or an invading horde drive you out of your homeland, making you a rootless refugee? Perhaps you were a prisoner of war, brought in chains to...
For monsters above CR 20, you have to divide the CR by 2 and add 10. ... This doesn't help with sub-1 CR monsters at all. But it does make higher level monsters really quick to measure. For sub-1 CR monsters, I'd advise reskinning. Because they should mostly be a pool ...
One could argue that an "even" fight, where it is a toss up who wins, is probably around 2 CR X monsters for a party of 4 level X characters.The various advanced encounter building rules mostly have you add up the CR of monsters, divide by the number of players, and mult...
DnD Hobgoblins are tall, proud, martial warriors, both classic monsters and a playable D&D race - here's all the Hobgoblin 5e stats and lore you need
While many classes can wield powerful magic, what sets Druids apart is their shape-shifting abilities, allowing them to become beasts, augment their physical appearance to suit harsh terrain, and – later on – even shift into giantDnD monsters. ...