As a 3rd-level wizard, you know three wizard cantrips, and your spellbook contains ten wizard spells, two of which (the two you gained when you reached the 3rd level as a wizard) can be 2nd-level spells. If your Intelligence is 16, you can prepare six wizard spells from your ...
施法Spellcasting 你施法的能力有部分基于你的所有施法职业的总等级,亦有部分基于你个别施法职业的等级。当你从多种职业获得施法能力时,请使用以下规则。如果你只从某一兼职职业中获得施法特性,则只需遵从该职业的相关规则。已知法术和已准备法术Spells Known and Prepared。你必须为你的每个兼职职业分别制定已知法术列表...
• At 7th level, yathrinshee can cast contagion or enervation (as the 4th-level wizard spells) once per day.·在第七级,每日一次且仅对自己,死灵祭司能够施展治疗致命伤cure critical wounds(如同5级祭司法术)。• At 7th level, yathrinshee can cast cure critical wounds (as the 5th-level ...
Level Subclass abilities 3 Spellcasting, Weapon Bond, two Wizard Cantrips 7 War Magic 10 Eldritch Strike, +1 Wizard Cantrip 15 Arcane Charge 18 Improved War Magic Spellcasting Eldritch Knights are Intelligence-based spellcasters that get access to abjuration and evocation Wizard Spells –these are...
At level three, you can choose between: Arcane Trickster: A magically enhanced Rogue with spellcasting powers. You can use a mystical Mage Hand for pranks, or even steal the spells right out of a Wizard’s head. Assassin: The most murderous Rogue. You’re all about attacking by stealth...
. . . 219 Sorcerer/Wizard Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Chapter 2: Classes17 Psion Uncarnate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Spell Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 The Classes . ....
千法之书里有个法术好..法术名称:Amber Sarcophagus 琥珀石棺等级:◎七级法术 7-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS派系:★塑能系 Evocation组件:VSMSR:可豁免: 无施法
Instant Me***gic (Su): Once per day, a 7th-level or higher incantatrix can apply a single me***gic feat she possesses to a spell without preparing it that way beforehand (if she prepares spells) or increasing its casting time (if she does not prepare spells). Thus, a wizard's pr...
摩拉丁教派法术Moradite Spells 1st Level 石之力量Strength of Stone (祭司Pr 1;祈唤/塑能Invocation/Evocation) 领域Sphere:元素土Elemental Earth距离Range:接触Touch成分Components:言语V,姿势S,材料M持续时间Duration:3 轮 + 1 轮/级3 rounds+1 round/level施法时间Casting Time:4影响区域Area of Effect:1 只...
阿尔伏林教派法术Arvoreenan Spells 1st Level 警告呼喊Warning Shout (祭司Pr 1;转化Alteration) 领域Sphere:保护Protection距离Range:0成分Components:言语V,姿势S持续时间Duration:立即Instantaneous施法时间Casting Time:1影响区域Area of Effect:半英里半径One-half-mile radius豁免检定Saving Throw:无None ...