DND法术列表分析和总结.pdf,◎零级法术(戏法) 0-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS (CANTRIPS) 法术名称 组件 施法时间 射程 持续时间 豁免 SR 摘要 来源 ★防护系 Abjuration Resistance 提升抗力 VSM/DF 单动作 接触 1 分钟 意志 N 可 受术者的豁免检定获得 +1 抵抗加值 PHB
内容提示: ◎零级法术(戏法) 0-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS (CANTRIPS) 法术名称 组件 施法时间 射程 持续时间 豁免 SR 摘要 来源 ★防护系 Abjuration Resistance 提升抗力 ★咒法系 Conjuration Acid Splash 酸液溅射 ★预言系 Divination 锥形效果,需要专注 ,第 1 轮发现魔法灵光 ,第 2 轮了VS VSM/DF ...
1一支十字弓矢使它朝目标飞去如同你用轻型十字弓发射等级LaunchBolt射矢术派系射程中距◎零级法术 戏法 0-LEVELSORCERER/WIZARDSPELLSCANTRIPS法术名称★变化系TransmutationVS施法时间持续时间立即豁免单动作无否摘要"将法术施于"最多5磅重的非魔法无主物品3等级◎零级法
Create spell cards based on your class or character, generate a PDF or print them. Sort the spells by level, alphabetical and many other ways. Spells and cantrips from all the classes, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Bard, Paladin, Cleric, Ranger, Warlock. Customize the output. Two or three ...
I have painstakingly converted the original Wizard's SRD v5.1 PDF to markdown, plus all errata from the Nov 2018 update. For more information, please visit the SRD Wiki.Why Markdown format? Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax created by John Gruber. ...
. . . 219 Sorcerer/Wizard Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Chapter 2: Classes17 Psion Uncarnate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Spell Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 The Classes . ....
法术名称:Cone of Cold 冰锥术等级:◎五级法术 5-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS 分享91 d&d吧 染指烟圈 传奇等级手册--核心传奇职业资料总录传奇野蛮人 译自:《传奇等级手册(Epic Level Handbook)》第一章 原著:Andy Collins,Bruce R.Cordell以及Thomas M.Reid 翻译:玄音 传奇野蛮人(Epic Barbarian) 传奇级的...
◎零级法术(戏法)0-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS (CANTRIPS) 零级法术(戏法)法术名称 组件 施法时间 射程 持续时间 豁免 SR 摘要来源 ★防护系 Abjuration Resistance 提升抗力 ★咒法系 Conjuration Acid Splash 酸液溅射 ★预言系 Divination 锥形效果,需要专注,第 1 轮发现魔法灵光,第 2 轮了 VS VSM/DF 单...
Spells: Here are all the spells arranged in Alphabetical order. Acid Arrow(2nd-level Evocation) Acid Splash (Conjuration Cantrip) Aid (2nd-level Abjuration) Alarm (1st-level Abjuration (Ritual)) Alter Self (2nd-level Transmutation) Animal Friendship (1st-level Enchantment) ...
Wizard General magic Cool spells Alignment TL;DR: How do you behave - good or bad? Lawful or criminal? Alignment describes your character's motivations and behavior. There are two axis here: good and evil, lawful and chaotic. These map pretty well to archetypical movie characters, Darth Vader...