此外, 哭 泣之神也与洛山达(Lathander,晨光之神)结为同盟。祂敌视那些爱好散播毁灭以及带来痛苦与磨难的神祇-特别是劳薇塔(Loviatar,折磨女神) 以及塔洛娜(Talona,毒疫女神) ,这两位女神的本质与破 碎之神完全相反。祂的敌人还有班恩(Bane,暴政之神) 、卡瑞茍斯(Garagos,战争之神)、马拉(Malar,猎杀之神)、...
此外, 哭 泣之神也与洛山达(Lathander,晨光之神)结为同盟。祂敌视那些爱好散播毁灭以及带来痛苦与磨难的神祇-特别是劳薇塔(Loviatar,折磨女神) 以及塔洛娜(Talona,毒疫女神) ,这两位女神的本质与破 碎之神完全相反。祂的敌人还有班恩(Bane,暴政之神) 、卡瑞茍斯(Garagos,战争之神)、马拉(Malar,猎杀之神)、...
Thorn Whip 5E, found on page 282 of the Player’s... Share: Reading time: 4 min Spells List Chromatic Orb 5E October 9, 2021 by Billy No Comments Chromatic Orb 5E, found on page 221 of the Player’s... Share: Reading time: 5 min DMs & Players Guide to Everything Bladesi...
Spell Sniper allows you to learn a cantrip from another class. The Druid’s Thorn Whip will allow you to pull an enemy 15 feet without needing to expend a spell slot. In principle, you could pull an enemy through a dangerous area, and then push them back into it on the same turn. ...
Rogues are going to absolutely love this feat, and so will melee builds that use booming blade. Prodigy This is a solid utility pickup that meshes with just about any build. Want to be persuasive? Want to be stealthy? Want to be a rockstar on the lute? You can pick up a proficienc...
Thorn Whip (Open in new window) 0 Transmutation 1 Action No No Players Handbook Thunder Step (Open in new window) 3 Conjuration 1 Action No No Xanathars Guide To Everything Thunderclap (Open in new window) 0 Evocation 1 Action No No Elemental Evil Thunderous Smite (Open in new window) ...
Slow –All weapons are compatible with Slow. Topple –Battleaxe, Glaive, Greataxe, Greatsword, Halberd, Heavy Crossbow, Lance, Longbow, Longsword, Maul, Musket, Pike, Quarterstaff, Spear, Trident, War Pick, Warhammer, and Whip. Vex –Blowgun, Club, Dagger, Dart, Handaxe, Hand Crossbow, ...
Unarmed Strike when you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or monk weapon - Monk level 1 Martial Arts feature. Flurry of Blows, Dodge, Disengage, Dash - Monk level 2 Ki feature. Teleport up to 60ft - Monk/Way of Shadow level 6 Shadow Step feature. Water Whip ...
what this lacks in power compared with Primal Savagery, it makes up for with battlefield control. Thorn Whip’s signature effect is pulling a larger or smaller creature 10 feet towards you, but it still dishes out some damage too: 1d6 to start with, then 2d6 at level five, 3d6 at leve...
Both Hexblade and the Eldritch Invocation Improved Pact Weapon have ways of letting you use a one-handed martial weapon as your spellcasting focus. So, if you have War Caster, and you have a whip that you can use as a spellcasting focus, would that let you use ...