No matter what thespell’s source, the wizard must first decipher the magical writing(see Arcane Magical Writings, above). Next, she must spend a daystudying the spell. At the end of the day, she must make a Spellcraftcheck (DC 15 + spell’s level). A wizard who has specialized in ...
第 3 章:冒险 Adventuring 入门指引 Getting Started 旅行 Travel 六项属性 Six Abilities 休息 Resting 第 2 章:战斗 Combat 奖励 Rewards 装备 Equipment 战斗流程 The Order of Combat 移动与位置 Movement and Position 第 4 章:施法 Spellcasting 战斗动作 Action in Combat 法术是什么 What Is a Spell ?
(“What’s a dungeon crawl? Is that some sort of dance? Only, I’ve never danced before.”)“什么?不。那是说你进入一个很大的、到处都是龙、由哥布林掌管的地下区域,带着一大堆黄金出来。”米罗解释。“啊,那个我已经做过了。”哈利回应,“不过我把大多数黄金留在了那里。”“你……你干什么了?
You won’t get to play much with this half of the Mastermind unless your game features gangs, guilds or politics, so check what kind of campaign your GM plans to run if this is what excites you about the archetype. The other ability Masterminds gain at level three, Master of Tactics, ...
“We could have used an ordinary table and dressed it with bricks, but we like to challenge what’s possible to do with LEGO bricks,” Libor says with a cheeky grin. “But while deciding to do it entirely from bricks gave us freedom, it also came with challenges.” ...
What looks to be an exceptionally athletic chicken the size of a draft horse and with golden-yellow feathers stands before you.With a pair of sharp talons,it scratches at the ground as its head darts about alertly.Upon noticing you,it lilts its long neck to one side and lets out a ...
What makes this spell stand out is that it’s a statement of intent: all non-magical plants in the area shrivel and die instantly as part of the casting. For when you want to be understood and need to say ‘I intend to kill every living thing here’, Horrid Wilting is your only opt...
"But What About Dragons?" Drow of the Underdark gives us the deep dragon (114-7), the first dragon I could find post-Monster Manual IV that has age categories and a lore entry. The Knowledge check DC for the deep dragon is 15 + the dragon's CR, implying that ...
The report -- Moving Forward in Increasing Organ Donation: Opportunities and Barriers to Uncontrolled DCDD in Major Metropolitan Cities - was developed by a group of transplant professionals who gathered in Washington, DC last December to address the feasibility of DCDD and whether it is equally ...