What I'm saying is this: The scope of this answer is, essentially, pretty much just those two spells, the major image spell and the permanent image spell.1,2 What does range mean here? A spell's Range entry is, indeed, "the maximum distance from you [the caster] that the spell...
Does the DC for identifying a creature use the specific creature's HD or the base HD for the type of creature? If it does use the base HD then what would the DC be for a creature that does not have a base HD? It seems to be HD not Base HD, per the SRD ...
I do not mean to be antagonistic in the least, but your messages to me really look like you are unsatisfied with a purchase you made almost "on a whim" and now regret because you did not take the time to properly see if this is what you really wanted or expected. Born in It...
What does "epic column inches" mean? Complex conjugation can define the reals. What about vice versa? How did the money go from buyers to the firm's account? Are apples 25% air? How do I draw a single object to print from multiple materials? Newbie wit...
Burst can mean "foes in a group nearby you" or "Foes in a group faraway from you", depending on the range There are no rules for zone per-se, but what I did was to place a token on the board, and say, "Anyone nearby (or in engage range with) this token...
What these two rules mean is that you can OBVIOUSLY choose to fall down, but recovering from the fall requires a DC 20 Reflex save. They assume that the flier doesn't really fall as fast as a normal human due to wings and air resistance (I would also houserule that falling damage is...
7 Does hidden just mean unseen and unheard? 10 Does flying around on a broom of flying make sound? See more linked questions Related 7 Does Create a Diversion to Hide come with all the Rules of Hidden Club, or bypass them? 16 The Hiding Rules Contradict Themselves. What Can I Make ...
I don't exactly know what you mean by "won't fit with the campaign", but one of a DM's strongest tools is the reskin. Take the stat block from a monster in one of the books, describe it completely differently, maybe change its creature type or the kind of damage it deals o...