Celestial Patron:This Warlock serves a holy Upper Planes being like a sphinx or unicorn. You get some of the healing powers of a Cleric and can smite with extra radiant damage. Fiend Patron:This Warlock goes the other way, serving a demon or devil. You get hit points for kills and can ...
Let’s say as part of the terms of your warlock pact, you can forgo leveling up and instead convert XP earned into gp stuffed into a nondescript duffel bag by your patron, that’s between your patron and you, afaic. I guess if I were looking for an actual rate of exchange, fo...
Warlock A wielder of magic that is derived from a bargain with an extraplanar entity d8 Charisma Wisdom & Charisma Light armor, simple weapons Wizard A scholarly magic-user capable of manipulating the structures of reality d6 Intelligence Intelligence & Wisdom Daggers, darts, sling...
The warlock as an arcane spellcaster is a great example, of someone who has a relationship with an otherworldly entity, but that entity is not necessarily the wellspring of the warlock's power. The warlock might be getting some power from that patron, depending on the patron and the nature ...