神域:风Air,邪恶Evil,风暴Storm,水Water 喜好武器:冰霜少女的拥抱Icemaiden’s Caress(冰战斧ice battleaxe) 欧吕尔是一位既善变又虚荣的邪恶女神,她的心肠就像冰霜一样冷酷,其信徒大都是出于惧怕才信奉她。 她的心中毫无一丝关于真爱、高尚情操、或者荣誉的存在。她十分喜爱玩弄那些冒犯她的凡人,先将其困 在暴风雪...
Ring of Water Walking (Ring) Ring of X-ray Vision (Ring) Robe of Eyes (Wondrous item) Robe of Scintillating Colors (Wondrous item) Robe of Stars (Wondrous item) Robe of the Archmagi (Wondrous item) Robe of Useful Items (Wondrous item) ...
Size: Humans are medium-sized creatures. Speed: Humans typically have a base walking speed of 30 feet. Languages: Humans can speak, read, and write Common and one additional language of their choice. The choice of the additional language often depends on the human’s cultural background.Human...
Rocky outcroppings that can give your NPC's cover from arrows. Rough ground could add a 'stumble' chance for anything other than walking pace movement. Chaparral (low dense bushes) is nearly impenetrable for people on foot and could be used to either pin the characters i...
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Speed.Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Languages.You can speak, read, and write Common and Keldon. Natural Athlete.You have proficiency in the Athletics skill. Keldon Resilience.You have proficiency in Strength saving throws. Icehaven Born.You are naturally adapted to cold climates, as descr...
Meet fire arrows, fire lances, the King's walking staff, the repeating flintlock pistol, the revolving blunderbuss, and the superposed gun, along with new weapon properties such as Chain Fire, Loud, Match Loading, Misfire, and Shot. These unusual firearms from Walt Ciechanowski really existed...
96-Dead Man Walking by GOOD Magazine 97-Subway Science by Crispian Jago 科学地铁 98-Evolution of Storage by Curtiss Spontelli 存储的进化史 99-Vacation Daze by GOOD Magazine 度假发呆 100-Shark Attack by Ripetungi 鲨鱼攻击 其实,这种信息可视化的展现不仅是我们大脑所喜爱的,更是我们日常所需要的,设计...
别称:冰霜少女Frostmaiden,寒冰黎明Icedawn,寒冷女神the Cold Goddess 圣徽: 背景为灰色菱形,中心为白色的雪花 居住界域:狂怒之心Fury’s Heart 阵营:中立邪恶NE 神职:寒冷cold,冬天winter 信徒:德鲁依,元素后裔(风或水),霜巨人,寒带地区居民,游侠 牧师阵营:守序中立LN,混乱中立CN,邪恶中立NE ...
别称:冰霜少女Frostmaiden,寒冰黎明Icedawn,寒冷女神the Cold Goddess 圣徽: 背景为灰色菱形,中心为白色的雪花 居住界域:狂怒之心Fury’s Heart 阵营:中立邪恶NE 神职:寒冷cold,冬天winter 信徒:德鲁依,元素后裔(风或水),霜巨人,寒带地区居民,游侠 牧师阵营:守序中立LN,混乱中立CN,邪恶中立NE ...