New Unearthed Arcana takes us across the multiverse with new D&D subclasses, races, feats, backgrounds – and spells based on the Deck of Many Things
dnd《3R·Unearthed-Arcana》中的蓝条施法 只看楼主收藏回复 万古尘封 金壶墨汁 12 dnd《3R·Unearthed-Arcana》中的蓝条施法变体规则~魔力值系统 SPELL POINTS 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-11-20 14:00回复 万古尘封 金壶墨汁 12 来自Android客户端2楼2020-11-20 14:01 回复 ...
The Light, Dark, Underdark! Unearthed Arcana includes the Tunnel Fighter Fighting Style which states: [...] As a bonus action, you can enter a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in your defensive stance, you can make opportunity att...
As featured in the 2022 Unearthed Arcana OneD&D Playtest: "Expert Classes" Heavy Weapon Mastery. When you hit a creature with a Heavy Weapon as part of the Attack Action on your turn, you can cause the weapon to deal extra damage to the target. The extra damage equal...
There was also a Spelljammer Unearthed Arcana late last year, featuring a ton of races from the space fantasy setting. Could these be the two settings getting re-released by Wizards this year? We wouldn’t put money on it, but only because we’re not big gamblers. It seems pretty damn...
分享3045 dnd吧 茶语412 听说5e法爷变成了法孙,我特地下了规则书看了看法师的法术数量,心凉了半截,在看了看法表,心已经彻底凉透了,没必要削的这么狠吧,连个根据属性奖励额外法术位都没有,虽然最高属性就20,心哇凉哇凉的 分享60392 尘封的藏书阁吧 万古尘封 dnd《3R·Unearthed-Arcana》中的蓝条施法变体规...
dnd《3R·Unearthed-Arcana》中的蓝条施法变体规则~魔力值系统 SPELL POINTS 分享41 dnd吧 -萤川- 【转载】哈利波特+DND同人小说《哈利波特与天然d20》这个故事是龙与地下城和哈利波特的混搭,不过只涉及了不太复杂的dnd规则。原作者正在英文连载,译者大概月更。 原作者:(加拿大)FanFiction网,Sir Poley 译者:...
Unearthed Arcana Lists List of Unearthed Arcana (UA) [Google Drive PDF] Unearthed Arcana Vol. 1 Race and Class lists with all variations Calculators Point-Buy calculator Alternate Point-Buy calculator Dice Roller Printable Character Standees
I'm playing an Air Genasi rogue/sorcerer. One of the other players recommended the storm sorcerer from Unearthed Arcana instead of Xanathar's, because of the bonus spells. What I don't understand is whether these include extra slots, or are they just spells I know i...
Use dnd-5e for questions about D&D 5e not related to the original playtest packets. For questions about the playtesting materials published after D&D 5e's release — known as the “Unearthed Arcana” series — use dnd-5e unearthed-arcana instead of this tag.1...