Dungeon & Town Quick Stores (with inventories) Pymapper Dave's Mapper Inkarnate Pyromancers' Dungeon Painter Village generator One Page Dungeon generator Medieval Fantasy City generator Perilous Shores Virtual Tabletops Tools for playing online together on a battlemap. Fantasy Grounds - A virtual table...
D&D Town Generator - Another town or city generator, now with work schedules! DunGen - Map generator. Patreons can get maps pre-configured with FoundryVTT-ready lighting and walls. donjon - Generators upon generators. If you need one, this place has it. Weak Magic Items for 5e - Great fo...
People like them - heck, I like them. I started playing DND with 3e, and still favor it in terms of actual play style. Warlocks build more like a 3e class, what’s the problem with that? The problem isn’t that Warlocks allow for more customization. It isn...