神职PORTFOLIO:大地Earth,死亡death,亡者的守护protection of the dead别名ALIASES:无普遍的None widespread神域名DOMAIN NAME:厄洛妮亚群峰Eronia/灵魂大地Soulearth主神SUPERIOR:悠妲菈Yondalla徽记SYMBOL:
竖琴师能力:deneit's eye精神之眼(对抗glyphs印记,runes符文,symbol法印+2奖励),技能专注(表演),技能专注(察觉动机),Tymora's smile泰摩拉的微笑(每天在所有豁免检定+2幸运奖励)。银火。法术医疗:以下法术会给予风暴暂时生命值(持续一小时)而不是造成伤害:魔法飞弹,闪电术,冰风暴,连环闪电。每日可用吟游诗人法术...
在满月当晚,她也能使用一道 月光锥moonbeam 法术,对被捕获的生物造成如同一道 精神错乱徽记symbol of insanity(应用通常的对抗法术豁免)的影响。在新月当天以及前后一天,该化身失去10%的魔抗,并且不能使用她的死亡凝视异能。在有超过一个月亮的世界中,这些效果适用于月躔最短的月亮 (除非在该游戏世界中,有另一个月...
这道法术是提尔教会的奥秘之一,只有在情况危急需要一位伟大英雄的帮助时才会使用。传言说淑妮Sune教会已多次尝试学习这道法术的秘密。 This spell is one of the secrets of the church of Tyr and is used sparingly, only when it needs the help of a great hero in dire circumstances. It is rumored tha...
西凡纳斯Silvanus 的地位高于 埃达丝Eldath 和梅丽凯Mielikki;正义与责任诸神the gods of justice and duty 中,提尔Tyr 领导着 伊尔马特Ilmater 和托姆Torm;而 吟游知识诸神the gods of bardic knowledge,则是 欧格玛Oghma 领导着 迪尼尔Deneir、黎尔拉Lliira、以及 密里耳Milil;如果依据这种理论,你可能会发现这些...
DeityAlignmentSuggested DomainsSymbol Auril, goddess of winterNENature, TempestSix-pointed snowflake Azuth, god of wizardsLNKnowledgeLeft hand pointing upward, outlined in fire Bane, god of tyrannyLEWarUpright black right hand, thumb and fingers together ...
Calling down a curse upon the forces of undeath, a human lifts her holy symbol as light pours from it to drive back the zombies crowding in on her companions. Clerics are intermediaries between the mortal world and the distant planes of the gods. As varied as the gods they serve, cleric...
状态Status:中立善良NG,强大神力Greater Power,极乐境Elysium徽记Symbol:玫瑰粉色调的木盘A wooden disk of rosy pink hue或 一对摔跤手的雕像a statue of two wrestlers 信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN ...
❖在第13级,每旬2次,定居者能施展 徽记术symbol(说服persuasion)(如同7级祭司)。 希劳拉妮教派法术Cyrrollaleen Spells 1st Level 家之安适Comforts of Home (祭司Pr 1;幻象Phantasm) 领域Sphere:旅者Travelers距离Range:接触Touch成分Components:言语V,姿势S,材料M持续时间Duration:8 小时hours施法时间Casting Time...
Murder cults of Bhaal have arisen in the past, each led by a charismatic, self-styled priest of Bhaal, but organized worship of the Lord of Murder is extremely un- common. Temples and shrines are similarly rare. Those who erect a shrine to Bhaal usually do so to thank him for a suc...