沿着今日的 剑湾the Sword Coast 之地、从北向南,分别是:艾瑞凡达Aryvandaar(金精灵)、伊尔法兰Illefarn(绿精灵)、麦叶理塔Miyeritar(黑暗精灵和绿精灵)、桑塔·欧斯瑞尔Shantel Othreier(金精灵和月精灵)、以及 凯尔特米尔Keltormir(月精灵和绿精灵)。在南部诸国度,有三个较小的国度位于今日被称作 维洪海域the...
此外, 教会内部也有许多武僧团, 包括名气最 高的「圣所罗斯之双重殉难门」(Disciplesof St.Sollars the Twice-Martyred),以及位于达拉马地区 深山之中,邻近白虫冰河的「黄色蔷薇武僧团」(Monastery of the Yellow Rose,该团特别注重血缘 关系,讲究家族传承)。其它信奉伊尔马特的武僧团尚包括「无碍之路信徒」(Follow...
龙枪:秋暮之巨龙(Dragonlance Dragons Of Autumn Twilight,2008年) 电影 《龙与地下城》(Dungeons & Dragons,2000年) 《龙与地下城2:龙王的愤怒》(Dungeons & Dragons 2: Wrath of the Dragon God,2005年) 外部链接 “龙与地下城”官方网站(英文) 威世智“龙与地下城”官方网站(英文) 《龙与地下城》第四...
EE = Princes Of The Apocalypse SCAG = Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide RoD = Out Of The Abyss PS:A = Plane Shift: Amonkhet WGE = Wayfinder’s Guide To Eberron PS:In = Plane Shift: Innistrad Now we have to know the Features and proficiency’s of thednd background 5e. So from the ...
Supposedly the final resting place of the soul of Heredius – Grayhawk’s greatest swordmaker – some say the great sorcerer was captured and forced to work on Kazzaar training fledgling blade makers.297 - The Sighing Cliffs, a mountainous realm of the Lady Krianna. She resides in a ...
You’ll be surprised by how many ways there are to swing a sword about and hit people hard. In the 2024 rulebooks, you can choose from theseDnD Fighter subclasses: Battle Master:A tactics expert, you gain all sorts of special maneuvers, from disarming attacks to ambushes, that will make...
•Sword Coast (D&D Beyond) •This is Your Life TheArtificer Makers of magic-infused objects, artificers are defined by their inventive nature. They see magic as a complex system waiting to be decoded and controlled. Instead of ephemeral spells, they seek to craft durable, useful, marvelous...
The martial, close-combat, super melee Warlock subclass, Hexblades are here for the fight and they’ll jolly well make a good show of it. Hex Warrior grants proficiency in medium armor, shields, and martial weapons, making it finally feasible for Warlocks to effectively brandish a sword on ...
喜好武器:长母牛角 Long cow horns(短剑 short sword) 12楼2011-10-07 01:28 回复 运算中的上帝 水妖精 6 【微弱神力 Demogod】 Sebek赛贝克 (鳄鱼之神) 别称:鳄鱼之王 Lord of Crocodiles,含笑之死 Smiling Death 圣徽: 长角与戴着羽毛头饰的鳄鱼头 居住界域:太阳之殿 Heliopolis 阵营:中立邪恶 ...