Simulacrum also saw a nerf in the new rules, but we love it regardless. The spell is functionally the same as in fifth edition – you create a perfect copy of one beast or humanoid of your choice. Crucially, the 2024 rules state that, if you create a copy of a creature that can cas...
Beast Bond (Open in new window) 1 Divination 1 Action No Yes Elemental Evil Beast Sense (Ritual) (Open in new window) 2 Divination 1 Action Yes Yes Players Handbook Bestow Curse (Open in new window) 3 Necromancy 1 Action No Yes Players Handbook Bigby’s Hand (Open in new window) 5 ...
血液淹没了他的 无底深渊家园,其宅邸的所有房间都是由活体雕塑组成,流动的血液散发着鸦片和生物碱的芳香;而半血裔、诺斯费拉图吸血鬼nosferatu 以及更糟的存在分享着他的家园,垂涎着在难以达到地取悦了他后,那寥寥无几的、虐待性的配给来填补他们贪婪的饥渴。 坎切尔希斯是位性格分裂的神祇;他的一部分是 野兽 ...
特殊攻击SA——鼹鼠人能与任何最大可达异足鼠osquip体型的掘穴动物交谈,并且每日1次,他们能通过类似于邪诡侏儒的天然能力来支配它们。每日1次,鼹鼠人能通过类似于2级法师法术 召唤集群summon swarm 的力量,召集一支掘穴生物集群。 特殊防御SD——鼹鼠人拥有标准侏儒的所有侦测能力、对魔法的抗性、以及对抗类人和巨...
Summon Beast One of the first summoning abilities the Druid can get, this is a must-have, especially if you are running a summoner-focused build like a Circle of the Shepherd. With several beast options, each with unique qualities, this spell is well worth the slot. ...
当全队受到严重伤害时,最好的办法是在八级法术法术启动Spell Trigger中放三个集体治疗(法/牧)。最后...
"Oh! You can only summon the King of the Pirates once a day?! Oh, sorry that's such a shitty ability?!" - William to Void Cranstin in a sarcastic tone after killing Void Gold Roger. "Go there, protect those people, protect your wife and your baby, and don't turn into an evil...
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to summon a spirit that assumes an animal form: as an action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to cast the Find Familiar spell, without material components. When you cast the spell in this way, the familiar is a fey instead of a b...
Summon Beast Summon Elemental Wall of Fire In addition,druids have one ofD&D 5e's most flexible spell lists. They can heal or buff allies, debuff enemies, reshape the battlefield, solve natural challenges, and much more. The only real gap in their spellcasting comes from direct damage. Eve...