智力Intelligence,感知Wisdom阵营ALIGNMENT:守序善良LG,中立善良NG武器WEAPONS:任意Any防具ARMOR:任意Any主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,动物animal,魅惑charm,战斗combat,创造creation,元素elemental(土earth),守卫guardian,治疗healing,死灵necromantic,保护protection,结界wards次要领域MINOR SPHERES:预言...
召唤狼Wolf Summoning:每日3次,野兽能召唤1英里内的3d6匹狼或座狼,服务他12回合。动物滋长Animal Growth:随意使用,野兽能对召唤而来的狼施展动物滋长animal growth。变形Shapechange:随意使用,野兽能变形为狼或座狼形态;浪荡公子只能变形为巨蝙蝠。喷吐武器Breath Weapon:每日3次,野兽能喷吐一道 云雾术fog cloud;每日...
Right away at level two, you gain the spells Burning Hands and Cure Wounds. Ahem… ‘handy’ spells, for sure – but the real star is your brand new Wildfire Spirit, a small elemental creature you can summon by expending one use of Wild Shape. Your fiery pet can attack, teleport you ...
Summon Lesser Demons (Open in new window) 3 Conjuration 1 Action No Yes Xanathars Guide To Everything Sunbeam (Open in new window) 6 Evocation 1 Action No Yes Players Handbook Sunburst (Open in new window) 8 Evocation 1 Action No No Players Handbook Swift Quiver (Open in new window) 5...
法术共享(Share Spells)(特异能力):根据德鲁伊的选择,她可以让她施放给自己的法术(不包括类法术能力)同样影响自己的伙伴。该伙伴必须在施法发生效果时处在德鲁伊周围5英尺范围内。如果该法术或者法术效果不是瞬间的而是有持续时间,那么在动物伙伴离开5尺范围后该法术将无法影响此动物伙伴,并且也不会再次影响它,就算它...
Spirit Guardians was one of the most consistent damage spells in fifth edition, so it’s not surprising that the new rules nerf it somewhat. Despite the re-balance, we’d still rank Spirit Guardians as one of the game’s best spells. You can still summon a 15-foot emanation of spirits...
真心求教,Conjuration和summon你们觉得怎么翻译比较好最近在搞一个游戏的汉化,里面出现了两种法术,一种叫Conjuration,一种叫creature Conjuration类法术大都是召唤一些非生物的建筑,有神殿吖甚至祭坛 分享88赞 dnd吧 伊路瓦塔的礼物 Ravenloft Strahd's Possession汉化版http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bnB3As3文件里用R....
3级:灵能法术Psionic Spells 当你达到灵能法术表中所述的相应术士等级时,你视为总是准备了列出的对应法术。 @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ 6级:心灵防御 Psychic Defenses - 你获得心灵伤害的抗性。此外,你在避免和结束魅惑状态与恐慌状态的豁免检定上具有优势。 + 你获得心灵伤害的抗性。此外,你在避免和结束...
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to summon a spirit that assumes an animal form: as an action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to cast the Find Familiar spell, without material components. When you cast the spell in this way, the familiar is a fey instead of a be...