Subclass Statblocks - Also includes CR ratings for each subclass Encounter Tools for building encounters D&D Beyond: Monsters Kobold club encounter builder Poison generator Monsters by Challenge Rating 1.0 Monsters by Type 1.0 Improved Initiative Medieval Fantasy City Generator - This application generates...
Players were torn on the changes to Wild Shape, which aimed to simplify the feature by allowing Druids to choose categories of beasts to turn into rather than individual creatures with unique stat blocks. More people disliked it than liked it, in the end. Player’s Handbook Playtest 5 ...
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaidentakes place in a snowy, unforgiving tundra – which is made even more brutal by the goddess who curses the sun to keep from rising. It’s a sandbox-style survival horror where the bitter cold is as much your enemy as the heap of stat blocks in the...
A frontend web application for creating creature statblocks for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. javascripteditordndfrontenddungeons-and-dragonscreatormonsterdnd5edungeonsanddragons5ecreature5th-editiondnd-toolsecmascript2018statblock-renderingsdanddstatblock-generatorstatblockdnd5e-tools5e-tools ...
Like many DnD one shots, you can run this as part of a campaign or just by itself. It has interactive maps, statblocks, and a ton of lore to make the setting feel deeper.Check out Secrets in the Swamp! Cult of the Sun Lion by scholarmage ...
My next plan is to rework the clan bonuses, add stat blocks for the animals, and maybe get some proper art. Eventually I might add a one-shot adventure or draw a custom character sheet. Keep Reading Cornixt @cornixt Keep Reading
Unfortunately, with the changes to monster stat blocks made post-Oct. 4th, 2021 update, Mage Slayer has received a massive nerf. Most spellcasting creatures (other than player characters) got their spell list greatly reduced and now rely on “spell-based actions” to do damage and perform oth...
Monster Stat Blocks Panther Medium beast, unaligned Armor Class 12 Hit Points 13 (3d8) Speed 50 ft., climb 40 ft. STR 14(+2) DEX 15(+2) CON 10(+0) INT 3(−4) WIS 14(+2) CHA 7(−2) Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6 Senses passive Perception 14 Languages— Challe...
This article provides full stat-blocks, descriptions, backgrounds, and roleplaying notes for each, along with their traits, bonds, and flaws. By Kiel Chenier; illustrated by Phil Stone. Over the Next Hill: The Hamlet of Varseldorf. In the next of our Over The Next Hill Series, Pater ...
A few blocks of pursuit later the noble-born Pilot puts himself between the Ogryn and the crowd and has to use every trick up his sleeve (charm, bribery, his Navis uniform) to calm them. There’s a sense of obligation between Roland and Smasha, just the prior session Smasha had put...