法术位SpellSlots “术士职业表”中记录了你用以施展你术士法术的1环及更高环阶法术位数量。施展某个术士法术时,你必须同时消耗其对应环阶的法术位。已消耗的法术位可在完成长休后恢复。例如,若你已知1环法术燃烧之手burninghands,并且拥有一枚可用的1环法术位和一枚可用的2环法术位,则这两枚法术位都可以用来施...
It regains the entire spell slot which has the long rest on the wizard to expand the finish line on the slots. The spell that is available on the equal intelligence can bring the modifier on the wizard level to carry over the minimum of the spell.By choosing the spell the level of the...
Black cats are optional. [Art by Jordan Jardine] Much like the shaman, but more in the vein of a warlock, witches embrace the older ghostly perceptions of spellcasters. Unlike warlocks, however, they use spell slots much like wizards and depend more heavily upon their class abilities. Witch ...
Create spell cards based on your class or character, generate a PDF or print them. Sort the spells by level, alphabetical and many other ways. Spells and cantrips from all the classes, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Bard, Paladin, Cleric, Ranger, Warlock. ...
You can cast these spells once per Long Rest without expending a spell slot, and can cast them again using spell slots. This feat can be taken more than once, but you must choose a different spell list each time. Musician You gain proficiency with three musical instruments of your ...
The complexity of the class may also be off-putting for some players. Managing your spellbook and spell slots requires plenty of thought, and the Wizard class is most rewarding when you’ve carefully planned for an encounter. Essentially, be prepared to do a lot of homework as a Wizard –...
[生成法术位/Creating Spell Slots] 可以在自己回合内以附赠动作将未使用的灵质转换为法术位。表格“生成法术位”中列出了生成各法术位所需的灵质点数。另外,你无法生成高于5环的法术位。以此方式生成的法术位将在完成一次长休后消散。 1环-2 2环-3
can't convert your small pool of Sorcery points back into spell slots. That doesn't mean you can't get some good use out of the feat with things like the Transmuted Spell, which gives you the ability to switch your damage type twice a day, especially if you're taking Elemental Adept....
Spell Slots.You determine your available spell slots by adding together all your levels in the bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, and wizard classes, and half your levels (rounded down) in the paladin and ranger classes. Use this total to determine your spell slots by consulting the Multiclass ...
法术环阶 Spell Level每项法术都属于0至9环其中一阶,且在法术描述中有所标注。法术的环阶大致指示了它的强度。0环法术,即戏法,是一种简便到几乎只靠默念就可以施展的强大法术。每个施法职业都给出了这个职业在何时才能使用特定环阶的法术。 -- 法术位Spell Slots ...