This section of the character sheet stays blank until your character drops to zero hit points. After that, you’ll need to roll DnD death saves. Record how many you’ve succeeded and failed by filling in these circles. Attacks and spellcasting When you make attack rolls, you add several...
A bard-tailored character sheet that’s perfect for any lute-wielding, magic-slinging 5e character dedicated to the magical power of music. Comes with a fillable PDF, so you can edit it on your computer before printing it out. Or use it alongside online play and make/save changes to your...
MPMB’s Character Record Sheet, Spell Sheets, and Adventure Logsheets are all fully-automated PDFs built with the Adobe Acrobat JavaScript API (AcroJS). *Adobe Acrobat Reader DC from the Windows Store does not support AcroJS. Limited Support for Mobile Platforms ...
A D&D character sheet is the player’s bible as they play throughout the adventure. It has absolutely everything a player needs to tell them their character’s health, class, name, level, stats, items, background, and even spell slots if you choose a class that uses magic. It’s every...
The Argotect shared the character sheet on the r/DnD subreddit, and has made it available free to download from Google Drive. You can get separate JPGs for each page, or the whole thing as a form-fillable PDF file. The sheet is six pages long, with each page focused very tightly ...
DnD 5e Blog + Resources for Adventurers and DMs DnD Lounge provides spell guides, rules tutorials, character creation generators, short adventures, and other DnD-related goodies. Our Portfolio Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Regi