Starting from first level, Rogues can apply a Sneak Attack bonus to a damage roll once per round, provided they had advantage on the attack roll or the attack wasn’t made with disadvantage and the target was fighting with another character within five feet. The bonus starts at 1d6 and inc...
- **警觉 (Alert)**:你在感知检定上获得+5加值。 - **强力攻击 (Power Attack)**:你可以牺牲攻击加值以增加伤害。 - **法术专注 (Spell Focus)**:你在特定法术学派的法术上获得+2加值。 了解技能和专长有助于你更好地理解角色的能力范围和战斗风格。 ### 5. 装备和物品 (Equipment and Items) 在...
1d6Spell 1Summon Aberration 2Summon Beast 3Summon Construct 4Summon Dragon 5Summon Elemental 6Summon Fey The creature you summon appears in the nearest unoccupied space. The spell you cast has a DC of 17 and a +9 attack bonus. Once you’ve summoned a creature, the cube can’t do so aga...
Base Attack Bonus:+5。Skills:Hide 4 ranks,Move Silently 4 ranks,Spot 4 ranks。Feats:Far Shot,Point Blank Shot,Weapon Focus(any bow or crossbow)。密林射手的职业技能(各技能对应的属性)是:Balance(Dex),Climb(Str),Craft(bowmaking)(Int),Escape Artist(Dex),Intuit Direction(Wis),Hide(Dex),Jump...
·每日1次,死亡法咒Death spell(只对精灵和妖精有效,然而允许豁免检定);随意使用,飞行术fly 和 浮空术levitate。 ·每日1次,可召唤1d3只夜嘶猎犬或快可灵,这些召唤生物在离开前将听命1小时。 ·每旬1次,可召唤3d12只哀怒妖精或2d10名邪恶阵营精灵(或卓尔)。 ·在面对卓尔和邪恶阵营的精灵和精类生物时获得...
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Spellcasting Focus You can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus for your paladin spells. Divine Smite Starting at 2nd level, when you hit a creatu...
附赠动作Bonus Action 以附赠动作施法的法术特别迅捷。你可以在自已回合内以一个附赠动作施展该法术,...
三版,关于跳跃的一点..《绝境东域》有个挺犀利的专长,战斗跳跃(Battle Jump)。我用翻译软件粗略的看了一下(英语水平渣的要死),角色可以通过比目标高5尺的高度发动“天基打击”,从而使近战伤害翻一倍。可以是站在高处,
In most situations, it provides the indicated shield bonus to your AC. However, you can instead use it as total cover, though you must give up your attacks to do so. The shield does not, however, provide cover against targeted spells; a spellcaster can cast a spell on you by targeting...
额外专长Bonus Feats 角色在1级和4级时会分别获得一个额外的专长。 同种先攻(集群先攻变体) 在战斗中处于相同团体、使用相同资料的不同个体(如6只狼、5个骷髅、3只地精)在战斗时使用同一个先攻骰,并让其中每个个体连续进行回合。每个个体的行动顺序在最开始决定,之后不能调换。集团中每个个体的行动都按正常的回合...