·每日1次,死亡法咒Death spell(只对精灵和妖精有效,然而允许豁免检定);随意使用,飞行术fly 和 浮空术levitate。 ·每日1次,可召唤1d3只夜嘶猎犬或快可灵,这些召唤生物在离开前将听命1小时。 ·每旬1次,可召唤3d12只哀怒妖精或2d10名邪恶阵营精灵(或卓尔)。 ·在面对卓尔和邪恶阵营的精灵和精类生物时获得...
领域Sphere:战斗Combat距离Range:接触Touch成分Components:言语V,姿势S持续时间Duration:1 轮/2 级(向下取整)施法时间Casting Time:8影响区域Area of Effect:1 柄斧子、匕首、小刀或剑One axe, dagger, knife, or sword豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效Neg. 这道法术将 加尔Garl 的天赐伴侣——亚伦迪娜——的魔法...
Accessed via a separate tab on an item's sheet. When equipped and attuned to, the item's spells or magical feats will be available via the Spellcasting tab in the character's sheet.SettingDefaultRecommendedComments Only identified Enabled --- --- Hide settings tab from players Disabled ---...
In the final transformation back from snake form casting priests shed their snake forms' skins. Discarded skins do not vanish with the termination of the spell. A discarded skin can be used or treated as any other snake skin of the corresponding species. ...
Sinister Spellbooks. Brandes Stoddard describes six sinister spellbooks, along with each's properties and associated plot hooks. Be careful how you handle the Codex of Khiruzam or the Libram of the Crimson Wasting; benefit from the illusion properties of the Green Book of Ka-Jorra or the stor...
金色丘陵诸领主The Lords of the Golden Hills 【主 神】加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold 【势力 范围】侏儒Gnome 【简 介】即侏儒神系the Gnome Pantheon,这样称呼是因为他们大部分居住在双生天堂的金色丘陵。该神系中所包括神力在侏儒氏族(乃至在各个世界)之间有所不同。