Height: 6′ + 1d12 height modifier, 12 feet long Weight: 588 lbs. x 2d6 (as a reminder you multiply the 2d6 by the rolled number you get from the height) Age: Based off of the half-orcs in the Player’s Handbook. Size and Bonuses: Large, -1 AC size bonus, -1 size bonus to ...
(clientOffset as XYCoord).y - hoverBoundingRect.top; // Only perform the move when the mouse has crossed half of the items height // When dragging downwards, only move when the cursor is below 50% // When dragging upwards, only move when the cursor is above 50% // Dragging downwards...
Empirically, I recall looking at a chart of diamond prices once and finding that they vary as roughly the 4/3 power of mass - therefore, as the 4/3 power of volume, or 4th power of width/height/length (assuming uniform scaling). Therefore, a 50gp gem is about (which...
10, 1000) y = np.ones(1000) plt.plot(x, y) 给予: 但 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000) y = np.ones(1000) + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1E-12, size=1000) plt.plot(x, y) 给予: 这似乎是意想 ...