魔法学派(Schools of Magic) 几乎所有法术都分属于八大魔法学派,相同魔法学派的法术具有相似的作用方式。只有少数法术不属于任何学派,如(侦测魔法)、(阅读魔法)和(愿望术)等。 防护系(Abjuration) 顾名思义,防护系法术是以防护为主。它们可以制造物理或魔法障壁、消除物理或魔法能力、伤害入侵者或甚至驱逐来自异界的...
第10级起,你施展一个需要你在施法过程中进行属性检定的防护系法术时(比如反制法术counterspell和解除魔法dispel magic),你可以在进行相应的属性检定时加上你的熟练加值。 法术抗力Spell Resistance 第14级起,你对抗法术时进行的豁免检定具有优势。此外,你对法术造成的伤害具有抗性。 咒法学派School of Conjuration 作为...
The Eldritch Knight 5e is a Fighter who gains access to several DnD Wizard spells, primarily from the Evocation and Abjuration DnD schools of magic. They can be thrilling to play, especially during characters’ earlier levels, as they wield magic while bashing all who stand in their way. Th...
魔法学派 Schools of Magic 一个灵魂无法在非自愿的状态下被复活。若是不不想的 游戏规则中有到魔法学派(防护、幻术、死灵等),不 话不不能被复活。灵魂清楚知道任何意图复活它的对象其名 过你可以自行设定这些学派在你的世界中具体代表什么。与 字、所述阵营和守护神(如果有),也可能因此而拒绝受其复 之相似的...
DnD spellsare an essential part of the game, allowing players to wield magical powers that can aid in both combat and non-combat situations. Spells are divided into differentclassesor schools of magic, each with its own unique spellsandeffects.Here is a detailed overview of D&D spells, includi...
‘解除魔法 (dispel magic)’不会移除反魔场。共享同一空间的两个或多个反魔场不会互相影响。某些法术,例如‘力墙术 (wall of force)’,‘虹光法球 (prismatic sphere)’,‘虹光法墙 (prismatic wall)’不受反魔场影响。神器和神祇不会被类似此法术的凡间法术所影响。如果生物比屏障占据的空间还要大,那么所有...
You may be limited to twoDnD schools of magic, but there are still plenty of build-enhancing options to choose from. Guidance, Bless, and Detect Magic are all strong staples, and the infamous Silvery Barbs is on this list too. Sentinel 5e ...
url: https://www.dnd5eapi.co/api/magic-schools status: down code: 503 responseTime: 32 lastUpdated: 2024-07-05T22:13:26.510Z status: up code: 200 responseTime: 27 lastUpdated: 2024-07-05T22:49:28.497Z startTime: 2022-03-22T00:21:33.000Z generator: Upptime <https://github.com/upp...
魔法飞弹magic missile ,而高阶法术里则有惊天动地的9环 祈愿术wish 。0环戏法是一种简便到几乎只...
The 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide is 384 pages of new advice and tools for Dungeon Masters of all levels! Explore the new rules for Bastions, over 400 magic items, and revamped campaign creation tips that await in this article. Read More ...