幻术学派School of Illusion 你专注于用魔法扰乱感官,迷惑意识,甚至可以欺诈最具智慧的人。你的魔法看似细微却奥妙无穷,这些用你的敏锐思维创造的幻象足够以假乱真。一些幻术师(包括许多侏儒法师)是些以法术娱乐他人的和善戏法师。而另一些更险恶的欺诈大师,则用他们的幻术恐吓愚弄他人以满足其个人的利益。 幻术学者Ill...
•School of Divination •School of Enchantment •School of Evocation •School of Graviturgy •School of Illusion •School of Necromancy •Order of Scribes •School of Transmutation •School of War Magic Unearthed Arcana(a) None Available ...
School of Illusion : The School of Illusion focuses on deception through illusion magic. This subclass requires the most creativity to be effective, as well as a DM that sometimes lets you get away with silly ideas. School of Necromancy : School of Transmutation : School of Transmutation Wizar...
Well, most of them are just middle-of-the-road folk, getting on with their lives without worrying about sticking to any kind of strong code. Deep down, we’re probably all a little bit ‘true neutral’. However, there are some characters with this alignment that take their neutrality to ...
Shadow Blade (Open in new window) 2 Illusion 1 Bonus Action No Yes Xanathars Guide To Everything Shadow of Moil (Open in new window) 4 Necromancy 1 Action No Yes Xanathars Guide To Everything Shape Water (Open in new window) 0 Transmutation 1 Action No No Elemental Evil Shapechange (...
The Illusion school of magic has multiple spells that will frighten enemies, starting with the third level spell Fear. This affects every single enemy within a 30-foot cone. Those that fail their Wisdom save are not only frightened, but must attempt to dash away from the caster, and can on...
so well your spell attacks and your spell DCs. Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a Illusion spell into your spellbook is halved. dramatically exceeding the maximum damage we can deal with our below. Deception Even though you are ...
It shows not only if something is magical or not, but also what school of magic it has. So, "I cast detect magic on this wall. What do I know? - It is magical, magic is of illusion school - There is something hidden there! Lets dig it out". I do...
八类魔法学派为:防护系(Abjuration),咒法系(Conjuration),预言系(Divination),惑控系(Enchantment),塑能系(Evocation),幻术系(Illusion),死灵系(Necromancy),以及变化系(Transmutation)。 在侦测魔法(Detect Magic)作用下,可以看见具有魔法的 分享回复5 博德之门3吧 水电费时代财富 看到影心的三环法术有点疑惑在dnd...
次级幻影minor illusion ,则你将获得该戏法。暗影步Shadow Step 第6级起,你获得在阴影中漫步的能力...