无论是以哪种形式显现,巴尔都可以说话,或是以其显现90呎内任何位置为中心,制造 半径15呎黑暗术darkness 15' radius。他还可以唤醒任何一位守序邪恶阵营存在身上的 杀戮冲动。如果他如此行事且目标生物在对抗法术豁免检定中失败,该生物就将猛扑过去攻向巴尔指示的任何目标,并以4的零级命中值挥舞手中的任何武器...
无论是以哪种形式显现,巴尔都可以说话,或是以其显现90呎内任何位置为中心,制造 半径15呎黑暗术darkness 15' radius。他还可以唤醒任何一位守序邪恶阵营存在身上的 杀戮冲动。如果他如此行事且目标生物在对抗法术豁免检定中失败,该生物就将猛扑过去攻向巴尔指示的任何目标,并以4的零级命中值挥舞手中的任何武器...
With the death of Venom, as the dragon was known, the Sy-Tel'Quessir set about reclaiming the woodlands, now known as the Tangled Vale, under the direction of the druids of Moontouch Oak. Nine centuries later, when the Army of Darkness ravaged Cormanthyr and eventually destroyed Myth ...
51 - Algaroth, Plane of The Slayer - A dark realm of shadows and darkness inhabited by the renegade killers banished from all of the other planes of the Abyss. These demons cannot exist anywhere else in the universe because they are so dangerous, their last realm is Asgaroth where they ...
A Fistful of Darkness A Song of Ice and Fire ACKS ACPD AD&D 2E Revised AD&D_2E ADnD_1E AEON-Aberrant AGE System APOCTHULHU AS&SH AW AW2E-Burned-Over AW2E Ablaneda Aborea Aborea_new Abstract Dungeon (FR base) Aces and Eights (Shattered Frontier) Aces-In-Space Achtung! Cthulhu Act...
For example, Darkness produces...well, darkness, and you can find the consequences of this spell here: A heavily obscured area—such as darkness, opaque fog, or dense foliage—blocks vision entirely. A creature effectively suffers from the blinded condition when trying...
战争 弯角的五角星 托罗格Torog ,幽暗地域之神the Underdark NE 死亡 由环形手铐拷住的T形 维克那Vecna ,邪恶秘密之神evil secrets NE 死亡,知识 部分破裂的单眼骷髅 泽希尔Zehir ,黑暗与毒药之神darkness poison CE 诡计,死亡 匕首状的毒蛇 神系范例 A Sample Pantheon 北欧 the Norse 的神系便是一个紧密神...
R.A.Salvatore Paths of Darkness 1 The Silent Blade(无声之刃) 1364/波浪之年 R.A.Salvatore Paths of Darkness 2 The Spine of the World(世界之脊) 1365/宝剑之年 R.A.Salvatore Paths of Darkness 3 Servant of The Shard(魔晶仆从) 1366/法杖之年 ...
The Ring of Wonder trow最近的几篇帖子是《TRPG产品目录》,详尽的介绍了目前市面上主流的TRPG游戏。...