Targets: Up to five creatures, no two ofwhich can be more than 15 ft. apartDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: YesA missile of magical energy darts forthfrom your fingertip and strikes its target,dealing 1d4+1 points of force damage.The missile strikes unerringly, even...
Quasi-Deity Traits: Immune to transmutation, energy drain,ability drain, ability damage, mind-affecting effects, electricity,cold, and acid; fire resistance 20, DR 35/+4, SR 32, immortal.准神特性:免疫变形,能量吸取,属性吸取,属性伤害,影响心灵效果,电击伤害,寒冷伤害,酸;火焰抗力20,伤害减免 35/+...
(万法大全)射线偏斜(Ray Deflection):射线会远离你。 (万法大全)高等提升抗力(Resistance,Greater):受术者的豁免+3。 (万法大全)混乱/邪恶/善良/秩序之墙(Wall of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law):墙壁阻止对立阵营的生物通过。 咒法系(Conj) 庇护所(Secure Shelter):创造一个坚实的小屋 预言系(Div) 秘法眼(Arcane Eye...
Armor of Resistance 5e is a type of magic armor that grants resistance to a single damage type. For example an Armor of Psychic resistance means you take half damage from psychic effects. If you knew exactly what you’d be fighting, you could have a whole shelf full of different sets of...
From level six,Elemental Affinitygives your Sorcerer resistance to one DnD damage type of your choice (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison). Plus, when you cast a spell that deals that type of damage, you can add your Charisma modifier to one damage roll for the spell. ...
or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certainspells and effects function differently against the creature, asnoted below.A move earth spell drivesthe golem back 120 feet anddeals 3d12 points of damageto it.A disintegrate spell slowsthe golem (as the slowspell) for ...
如果这个神受到+4以上武器的攻击,伤害抗性4/-起作用.- - Resistances抗力:所有神都有以下抗力,部分神可能有其他抗力.- EnergyResistance能量抗力:神拥有20+其神格等级的火系抗力.- SpellResistance法术抗力:神拥有32+其神格等级的法术抗力- - SalientDivineAbilities突出神力:神格等级大于等于1的神都拥有至少一项附加...
抗火戒指Ring of Fire Resistance 反射斗篷Cloak of Reflection 抗电靴Boots of Grounding 镜射斗篷Cloak...
Not only that, but you also get resistance to being charmed. There are many subraces to choose from, but, for choice, we’d recommend choosing either the High Half-Elf or the Standard Half-Elf for your bard build. Halfling TheHalfling 5erace is another great option for Bard. They can ...
Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Bonus Rage damage when you make a Strength-based weapon attack (or an Unarmed Strike – that’s new) and deal damage to a target. Level Rages Rage damage 1 2 +2 2 2 +2 3 3 +2 4 3 +2 5 3 +2 6 4 +2 7 4 +2 8 4...