2. Introduce not-so-random DnD travel encounters (but not Pokemon style!) Random encountersare a great way to spice up travel—but be careful! They can feel random to the players at first, but make sure to tie them up with the story or the world in some way. Fighting 1d4 wolves jus...
随机遭遇Random Encounters 第4 章:创建非玩家角色Creating Nonplayer Characters 设计非玩家角色Designing NPCs 非玩家角色队友NPC Party Members 联络员Contacts 雇员Hirelings 小角色Extras 反派Villains 反派职业选项Villainous Class Options 第5 章:冒险环境Adventure Environments 地下城Dungeons 绘制地下...
wishes. Random desert encounters can be added to those described below if the trip gets boring. 1. VILLAGE OF NAREEB On the edge of the desert where the charac- ters choose to enter, sits a small village of wise desert folk. If the party is friendly to the peo- ...
Eventually you reach the ruins of the city, a crumbling crater of conjured catastrophe. The entire place has become a wild magic wasteland, with mana and magical energy crackling in the air chaotically. Deadly magical effects ripple across the ruins at random, occasionally blasting away at the ...
Random Misadventures Random Monster Room Descriptions Session Start Solo Dungeon Generator Towns Traps Treasure Drops Villains (BBEG) Village Map Wilderness Travel World Modules Articles Preserved Monster Lore Class Quiz You're Using Darkvision Wrong ...
Mr Hand - A hand of some random person that Verona animated, was killed by Arzen. The Lever - A lever Verona animates to open the gates of G4. Telescope - Telescope animated by Verona to scout the Pineapple Juice Stand. The Dice - A dice Verona animates in an attempt to cheat at ...
Add spice and variety to your random encounters! This article helps you to randomly determine the aims and actions of encountered creatures with a table which covers 40 encounter motivations including merrymaking, suffering, wounded, escaped, and many more. Running into orcs is one thing; running ...
Encounters 创作怪物Creating a Monster 随机遭遇Random Encounters 创作法术Creating a Spell 第章:创建非玩家角色 4 Creating Nonplayer 创作魔法物品Creating a Magic Item Characters 创作新的角色选项Creating New Character Options 设计非玩家角色Designing NPCs 附录 :随机地下城 A Random Dungeons 非玩家角色队友NPC...
DM’s will often refer to the ‘2 day rule’, which is the idea that they have a plan for characters travelling in any direction from their current location for 2 days travel if the players suddenly decide on embarking in a random direction. 2 days travel allows you to throw in events...
[DMsGuild] Icewind Dale Random Tables Bundle - Encounters [DMsGuild] Icewind Dale: Complete Bundle Notice board quest seeds Strange Encounters Tome of Adventures (8 quests) More Neat Stuff 3D Printable Mini Files for all creatures in the adventure RotFM Monster statblocks for TablePlop - importab...