Medieval Fantasy City Generator - This application generates a random medieval city layout of a requested size. Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator - Generate fantasy world maps with ease. Names Name generators Fantasy Name Generators Mithril And Mages Name Gen Maps Map Editors Dungeon Map Doodler - Fre...
Spell compendium to use for random scrolls dnd5e.spells CustomSharedCompendiums.all-ddb-spells Point this to your full spell list Why retired: Never ended up using them.Better Rolls - Overhauls the rolling system with major improvements. Better-looking chat rolls, helpful character sheet buttons,...
Improv Cheat Sheet Improved NPC Generator Insults Junk Locations (Exotic) Magic Items Magical Junk Map Maker Names Non-Combat NPCs Outdoor Descriptions Plot Hooks Plot Twist Puzzles Quests Random Misadventures Random Monster Room Descriptions Session Start Solo Dungeon Generator Towns Traps Treasure Drops...