A good DM will enforce that you call all the other players by their character names, so make sure yours is funny. Try a dick or poop joke here. Alternately, you can just use this character name generator and see what happens. Character Sheets Now that you've chosen your race, class, ...
By James Introcaso; illustrated by Phil Stone. Motivated Encounters. Add spice and variety to your random encounters! This article helps you to randomly determine the aims and actions of encountered creatures with a table which covers 40 encounter motivations including merrymaking, suffering, wounded,...
This name generator will give you 10 names which will generally fit the drow races of the Dungeons & Dragons universe, but since the drow are (dark) elves, their names could be used for elves in other works of fiction as well.The drow are a race of evil elves, cursed with their ...
0.78 beholdthemasterrace 0.78 publicfreakout 0.77 padres 0.77 ask 0.77 michigan 0.77 fortnitebr 0.77 dundermifflin 0.76 electricians 0.76 valveindex 0.76 mortalkombat 0.76 centrist 0.76 unitedkingdom 0.76 im14andthisisdeep 0.76 footballmanagergames 0.76 askengineers 0.76 aewofficia...