Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
This deep-dive into one of 5e’s DnD races includes the Tiefling’s core rules and roleplay tips. We’ll also recommend the best DnD classes and feats for your build. One thing to note: this is a guide to the 2014 Tiefling rules – see our other DnD 2024 Tiefling species guide for...
DnD feats are additional customization options that give your character new abilities and/or ability score bonuses.Any time you’re asked to make an ability score increase during aDnD level up, you can instead opt to take a feat. You may be able to choose feats earlier, for example if you...
even without a racial Hit Die. Such characters should only be allowed in a group that is 2nd-...
[...] Game features include spells, class features, feats, racial traits, monster abilities, and magic items. Since a bag of holding is just an item, not an effect, there is no reason you could not create two of them using two of your artificer infusions. It may be worth a...
额外专长Bonus Feats 角色在1级和4级时会分别获得一个额外的专长。 同种先攻(集群先攻变体) 在战斗中处于相同团体、使用相同资料的不同个体(如6只狼、5个骷髅、3只地精)在战斗时使用同一个先攻骰,并让其中每个个体连续进行回合。每个个体的行动顺序在最开始决定,之后不能调换。集团中每个个体的行动都按正常的回合...
However, it can also be found in feats and through specific racial traits that also apply to it. Rogues get two skills (or with Thieves’ Tools) with Expertise at levels one and six, for a total of four skills or three skills and Thieves’ Tools. You need to have proficiency with ...
it normally would.其对超魔法术环级的调整都在最后一句,分别是“When you apply metamagic feats to...
How to Get Expertise in DnD 5e 1 year ago by Matt Zane There are several ways to get Expertise in DnD 5e: be an Artificer, Bard, Ranger, Rogue, Knowledge Cleric, or any character with the Skill Expert or Prodigy feats or the… How Much Gold Would a Noble Have in DnD 5e? 1 ye...
Spells you know through a racial feat Some racial feats tell you the class of the spells they are granting. "Wood Elf Magic" in XGtE You learn the magic of the primeval woods, which are revered and protected by your people. You learn one druid cantrip of your choice. Y...